Friday 28 August 2009

Do we need a new Bus Shelter?

I took the first photogrpaph on the Lincoln Road, Holdingham just before the old "Bus Shelter" was removed prior to staring work of the new mini-roundabout.

Now the Bus Stop is the other side of the road - but no shelter. The secong photograph is the view in the early stages of the pavement building near where the new bust stop is situated. I will get a new photo shortly: obviouskly the need will increase as the new houses are occupied.

Friday 21 August 2009

Cycle Paths to the Farm Bridge Holdingham

I went (21 Aug) to see how the pathways to the Farm bridge are getting on. Things seem to be progressing and the metal fencing was being erected today to fence off the area where the new houses will be built. I took the photo from near the exit of the new site near Holdingham Lane. Traffic can now get to the Houses along Holdingham Lane via this new road.

You can see where the pavement has been lowered (indented) to allow Cyclists to get to the Farm Bridge.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Entrance to Hockmeyers on the Lincoln Road

The pavement along the edge of Hockmeyers Garage is now complete (as of 11 August) although the top layer seems missing on one section! The refuge is also a help near the new Roundabout.

It seems like an improvement - but I have seen a few cars trying to get across the double white lines. and thus causing a tailback around the roundabout itself! The double white lines start from midway across the entrance opposite the Jolly Scotchman: it is at this point where traffic should enter the Garage!

By the way to all drivers - the Lincoln Road is 30mph - I saw at least one car doing 50mph and accelerating down towards York Road this afternoon.