Saturday 27 February 2010

Woodside Open Space: Options?

The options suggested for Holdingham Woodside Open Space area, at last weeks Strategy meeting, were:

            • Mixed housing: affordable and privately owned!

            • Part Housing and Recreational Complex

            • Wholly rented Allotments

            • Recreational Purposes: all ages and including a small skate park and youth shellter

            • Mix of affordable housing and a small pay area

            • Mix of a Community centre and play area for all age groups

            • Extend Sleaford Wood: in collaboration with the Woodland Trust

            • Do nothing!

            There were several residents at last Wednesdays meeting and District Councillor Peter Haysum also attended. A small working group was set up to look at the issue.

            There are others that I would add but I am always intrigued by the idea of an area that attains a Green Flag award! At least it sets a standard and one that a community can be proud of. Other suggestions have been a running track and tennis courts.

            Wednesday 24 February 2010

            Woodside Play Area - Open Space

            I have written a blog on Woodside Open Space: Sleaford Wood on the SleafordChat Blog.

            There are many issues to be considered at the Town Council Strategy Committee tonight (24 February) which will need to be answered at some stage. Holdingham, on that side of the Lincoln Road, is pretty well enclosed and objections have been successfully raised, against further developments, that will increase traffic onto the Lincoln Road.

            I am not on this committee but will be interested to hear of what is proposed as a way forward.

            Sunday 21 February 2010

            Holdingham Snow 21st February

            The snow of 21st February wasn't, to my recollection, forecast on the Saturday evening.
            I travelled back from Leicester at 9.00 p.m and listened to several Weather bulletins on the radio.
            So I was surprised to see the amount of snow that was lying when I woke up next day (Sunday).

            Sunday 14 February 2010

            Amended Holdingham Roundabout Plans

            I see there is an amended plan coming up before the Council: "Erection of 5 Advertising panels (for roundabout sponsorship). The application was turned down, by the Town Council, at its last outing.

            This is an amendedment, not withdrawal. The application is by the BID grouip.

            Saturday 6 February 2010

            Advertising Boards Holdingham Roundabout?

            Not the brightest of ideas!

            Plannig applications before the Town Council this week included two for the Holdingham Roundabout - made on behalf of the BID group. I was pleased that Town Council voted almost unanimously to reject them.

            1. Erection of 10 Advertising Panels (for Roundabout sponsorhip). They were to be about 3 metres high.

            2. Erection of Advertising Panels for the same reason.

            They were turned down for the very simple reason that this is a very busy roundabout and the last thing needed is a distraction such as these panels. Let us hope NKDC do the same!

            Monday 1 February 2010

            What are Parish Councils For?

            The reason I ask this is to bring some sense into the ongoing debate about the future of local Government. I lived near Rotherham in my younger days and we has a Vicar called the Rev Atherton. He was also responsible for an excellent Sunday School, lots of trips to the Seaside, and a Sunday Evening Youth Club. Here is what he told the local Brinsworth Parish Council there in 1960 and I think it still stands. He was not well received at the time.

            Maybe we could take in some of what he said all those years ago.