Sunday 27 February 2011

Crime Statistics around Holdingham Sleaford

I notice that the police web site has changed the way in which the recorded crimes in the area are reported.

See what you think of this site! Crime Sleaford/Holdingham: it can be configured to produce whatever is required (I think). Put in your postcode and go to Crime Maps.
The old site is at Crime Statistics (I presume it will not be updated in the future)!

Monday 21 February 2011

Bus Shelter Lincon Road

This is fairly hot news: I have received a message that a new Bus Stop (maybe a Shelter) is to be provided (if agreed) along the Lincoln Road near the Jolly Scotchman.
The previous one was taken up by the new mini Roundabout.
What will have to be ascertained is where it will actually be: as the Lincoln Road is busy with double/single white lines in places and a footpath and cycle track for pedestrians and cyclists.
Anyway I hope the new residents and the people of Holdingham Lane will be pleased at the outcome.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Masterplans, Holdingham and Sleaford

The masterplan for Sleaford is out and hasn't changed much since I saw it a few months ago. It is all about the future and whether or not it comes off is up in the air. The Town Centre plan is here! The wide view plan is here!

In my opinion anyway: it looks like a smokescreen for other things.

The bikeable distances shown are very nice but we need bikeable weather. New housing development is expected within the confines of the A15 and A17 mixed in with potential economic hotspots. The economic areas will somehow feed onto the A15 and A17 bypasses (something I thought you cannot do) which in the past has been rejected.

For Holdingham the development goes all the way down to East Road at the top side of Sleaford Wood. If any one is interested in more detail or comment let me know.
By the way I have just come back from one of the boom areas of the world (Hong Kong). This link gives some insights as to why they are booming. Maybe there are lessons, and business opportunities if taken, that could affect Sleaford and Lincolnshire! See Map!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Survey of Parents, of young Children's: needs.

I note that there is a survey within Sleaford (possibly elsewhere) about the needs of those with Children under 5. I sent an e-mail to the PCSO's and checked with ST George's childrens centre and it is genuine. I presume it is related to the relocation into Money's Yard.

Those knocking on doors had badges re Lincolnshire County Council as part of the SURVEY to ascertain young childrens needs.

I realise info is hard to come by re Children but it seemed odd to be knocking on doors for this.