Sunday 24 April 2011

Station Gate Poll

Update: Latest: Three polling stations are proposed for the 19th to be open between 1600hr ( in old money) and 2100 (9.00pm). However availability of the venues (Quarrington, The Source and north Sleaford) is still being investigated. Let us hope the Jolly Scotchman is available.

The final details of the Station Gate Poll should be made this Wednesday (27th) - at the Town Council meeting. The details will include the number of polling stations and where.

Friday 15 April 2011

Sleaford Town Meeting: Station Crossing

Should the SouthGate East Railway Crossing be closed?

Postnote: the expected Town Poll appears to be 19th May. But watch out on the news as the wording seems different to that proposed - so things might change.


A Town Meeting took place last night (Thursday 14th) on the subject of the Station Crossing at the junction of Grantham Road and Southgate. It (the meeting) was almost unanimously in favour of a Town Poll on the question of whether or not the Gate should be kept open.

This concern obviously was a reaction to the proposed Bridge. The only question is, and an important one: why hasn't this involvement by local people been done before (NKDC approved it in 2009 on Sleaford's behalf) - and will this impact on the SE Regeneration Plan and the associated proposed road through the Boston Road Recreation Ground?

Anyway watch out for the poll date. It has to be held within, I think, 25 working days.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Is Holdingham the best side of town?

I ask the question just to raise an issue - resulting from articles, and the letters, going backwards and forward in the local press. namely all the hoo-ha going on about Bass Maltings, Rec Road, new Tesco et al.

Most of these issues have been going on for years and some headlines appear like re-runs of old movies. Promises of jobs here and there but everything really going on and on as before.

Monday 11 April 2011

Full Steam Ahead for the Holdingham May 5th Election

Here are the candidates for the May 5th Local Elections. There are two Independents, one Lincolnshire Independent and one Conservative Party Candidate.


  • John CHARLESWORTH NG34 8BT Independent

  • Becky DUNBAR-BECKFORD NG34 7DH Conservative Party

  • Ken FERNANDES NG34 8AH Lincolnshire Independent

  • James O'TOOLE NG34 7AX Independent

I hope as many voters as possible turn out to vote. There are three seats, on the Town Council, in Holdingham.

At District Level it is a straight contest between Peter Haysum and Becky Dunbar-Beckford for the one Holdingham District Council seat.