Saturday 25 August 2012

Keeping Holdingham Lane Clean

I was pleasantly surprised when walking down Holdingham Lane East (adjacent to Winchester Way).

It was looking pleasantly clean. I had a quick look in the Becs and, unless the rubbish is being hidden behind the growth, there didn't appear to be too much litter.

This was a bit in contrast to the Farm Bridge where there were pockets of litter especially near the benches (beer cans, take-away leftovers etc)  Otherwise that too is/was better than my previous visit.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Biking ASB - Real or Imaginary? Holdingham & Sleaford

I received this today. See below in bold. It is not new and I have received complaints from those affected! In my case it was the Trial Bikes being used at Holdingham- on the new footpath and Bridge that leads to Leasingham. John Pinchbeck in the Target seems to be suggesting it is something all lads do - so why should the PCSO's be wasting their time. However they are not insured and not wearing protective gear and it is a footpath.

I half agree though in this context: maybe as a Town we shoud be looking at ways of providing proper biking facilities - assuming those causing the offenses would use them. Unfortunately it too would cost money and be a problem wherever such facilities were installed. All NK and LCC seem to want to do is build houses.

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

We are having issues of youths driving off-road, uninsured motorbikes on public footpaths around The Drove, Newfield Road and Holdingham areas of Sleaford and towards Rauceby Village. These youths are not wearing proper protective gear and are not abiding by the law. We are actively trying to tackle this issue, however we need people to call in when this is happening so that we can build up a picture of when this is happening and pre-empt their actions.

Your help, by calling us on 101 should you see any occurrences of this, will be most appreciated.

Thank you from PCSO Jaki Smith 2321


Monday 13 August 2012

Come on Holdingham: we need facilities for Sport

I thought I might as well follow the trend. Facebook and Sleafordchat are all about the Olympics. Good or bad! From the reaction it is good for the UK. But what have we got in Holdingham except plans for more housing?

I suppose there is the Cycle ways to Leasingham and into Sleaford: and I see that work has started on the Lincoln Road but it will be meagre.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Trial Bike Racing

A report was received by Lincolnshire Police at approx 17:50hrs on the 06/08/12 that trial bikes were racing around the Furlong Way area of Holdingham, Sleaford and the new footpath which leads to Leasingham, causing a noise nuisance to local Residents.

This includes, for clarification, the new footpath & Cycle path over the Farm Bridge Holdingham which is to be officially opened on September 22nd.

Highways have been informed I understand.


Sunday 5 August 2012

More Road Works A17 Holdingham Sleaford

I also received this planning information for September.

Road Closure: A17 Sleaford bypass (Holdingham to Kirkby La Thorpe) 19/09/2012 to 21/09/2012. Alternative Route Local diversion routes & access arrangements will be signposted.

On my reckoning there is a 2 day overlap between this work and the period of road improvements on the A15 bit. See previous Blog.