Sunday 14 October 2012

Keeping our Neighbourhood Safe!

Crime: Holdingham into Sleaford!

I always keep checking on how we are doing to keep our Neighbourhod a safe place to be! So what better place to start than with the latest Crime Statistics. What has reignited my interest is a report to the Town Council of the recent Annual General Meeting of the Sleaford & District Neighbourhood Watch!

Interest seems to be picking up due in part  to the improved means of accessing relevant data on how we are doing and where!

Crime Watch

Other information is available on Alert!

Monday 8 October 2012

Holdingham Mead / Lane Bus Stop & Shelter

Here is the final version sent to me by Highways. Hope it stays as good as it looks. Many thanks Paul Swalesof Highways for the photo!

He sent the following message:
I am pleased to inform you that the bus shelter at Holdingham has now been installed, together with a hard-standing area, raised kerbs (to make getting on and alighting from buses easier) and road markings for the bus-stop. Please see the attached photographs.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Retail Development Sleaford and Holdingham

Interestingly the downturn is concentrating minds more and more on where and how Retail Outlets sell their wares.

As the North end of Sleaford Town develops, as well as the southern part south of the Railway crossing, competition and positioming will intensify to attract the increased number of shoppers.

It may even affect the desire to build large Supermarkets but instead down-size to the smaller Aldi's of this world or say One Stop (a part of the Tesco brand).

Here is one article supporting this idea!

Aldi's posts increased sales

Internet and Retail Outlets

Holdingham, and Sleaford, will be affected one way or another! Thisi smy take on all of this! It is already happening.