Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas Holdingham!!!

I put some Christmas Jokes on this site - see below. Sorry if you have already seen them!

Have a lovely Christmas! Happy New Year as well.

Christmas Card Jokes!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Lock up your vehicles and guard your computers

I received these messages from Neighbourhood Watch. Make sure your vehicles are secure!!

Operation Handbrake and Lighthouse are operations to identify unsecured properties and vehicles.

Over the past week we have found a large amount of vehicles that are not locked and one has been found with the keys still in the vehicle, whilst carrying out a number of checks on vehicle in the Sleaford area on an evening.

There had been an increase in theft from motor vehicles in the Sleaford and Ruskington area's over the last week, so could we please ask that you make sure your vehicles and properties are all locked correctly.

Please make sure you have removed any high value items from your vehicles to a place of safety. Also at this time of year please make sure all Christmas presents are out of sight and away from thieves eyes so we make it as hard as possible for them!!

Message sent by

Patrick Welby-Everard (Support, PCSO NC36 Sleaford Rural South, Sleaford Station)

This is a message from PCSO Craig of Sleaford Town Centre.

Over night from the 15th to 16th December, there have been a number of thefts from insecure vehicles and garages.

Please contact Lincolnshire Police on 101, if you have seen or heard anything suspicious and ensure that all vehicles and property are locked with valuables removed or left in secure places.


Message sent by

Gill Finn (Police & NHWN, Community Safety Officer, Lincolnshire)

Microsoft Windows Internet Scam
Once again, we are getting reports from members that this Internet scam is again in Lincolnshire.
Scam Details
You receive a phone call stating that you have corrupt files or viruses on your computer and that you should allow access, after making a payment, to enable the caller to remove these files.

When you pay the fee, the caller simply hangs up after not actually doing any updates to your computer.
Please do not allow anyone access to your computer unless you have actually asked for assistance. Once you allow remote access, the caller will be able to copy all the details that you have stored on your system without your realising.

May I also take this opportunely to wish you a Merry Christmas.


Saturday 8 December 2012

Neighbourhood Plans? In Holdingham?

The furore,  in the press and on Facebook, over the plans to build many homes, alongside  the London Road, has left the impression that people have no control. Well maybe: but that isn't what the Localism  Act and Neighbourhood Plans would indicate.

Try this site: Neighbourhood Plans.  Will we, as a community be allowed to? And where would the money come from?

See also: Sleaford Neighbourhood Plans

Monday 3 December 2012

Sleaford and the Twelve Frauds

The police are getting humourous as Christmas Approaches. Outside of their normal serious and dangerous work. 

The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has compiled a list of twelve frauds that the bureau suspect criminals may use during the festive period. Please find attached information relating to different frauds and ways to protect yourself:

1) Online Shopping
2) Postal Fraud
3) Auction Fraud
4) Holiday Fraud
5) Electronic "E" Cards
6) Ticketing Fraud
7) Phishing Emails
8) Social Networking
9) Cash Point Fraud
10) Voucher Fraud
11) Card Not Present Fraud
12) Mobile Payments

If you have been a victim of fraud, now or in the past, it is important you report the matter visit Action Fraud website or tel 0300 123 2040.