Monday 29 April 2013

Fracking and Shale Gas; Lincolnshire in the firing Line?

I  notice, from the Financial Times in the last 24 hours, that a new energy source is being pushed: the benefits apparently are to offer affected communities cheap services and energy etc. Post Note: BBC 26 April. This article also shows West Lincolnshire to be right in the potential exploratory area.

The Financial Times (against a map of prospective areas including Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and many other areas near to Lincolnshire and beyond) puts it like this""The Government is proposing to bribe communities with cheaper energy bills in exchange for dropping local opposition to Fracking projects --"

This is an interesting one to watch!!

Thursday 25 April 2013

Might Tesco stay where it is after all??

I noticed a piece on Look North the night about Tesco pulling out of a plan in Bridlington. Here they have reaffirmed their desire to stay committed to our Sleaford Master Plan. This envisages a Tesco store on the old Avanta seeds site and a road through the Rec. The letters to our local papers reflect issues for and against this.

A bit of electioneering as well as the County elections loom.  However, if they did pull out of a similr plan for Sleaford would it be necessarily bad for Holdingham?

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Latest Dog Warden Report: Holdingham

I have just received the latest Dog Warden report for Sleaford - which incorporate Holdingham within that report. Not particularly good reading!

Here are some "juicy" bits about Holdingham for March this year. Sorry about the pun!

"Holdingham: -- This area was not patrolled last month --- and unfortunately it shows. I was disappointed by the number faeces found. I have removed what I can and have put up some new notices including on the bridge over the A17".

On another bit "Covel Road -- Female walker at Cogs Mill had said this area (Covel Road) was bad again. On investigation only one faeces was found on someones Garden and it was removed".

Right then: a dirty old business that we need to sort out.


Monday 8 April 2013

Winchester Way Alert

I picked theses messages up from the Alert system. Any useful information would be welcome.
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good afternoon from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

We are appealing for any information and asking persons to be extremely vigilant following receiving a report of two suspicious persons seen in the Winchester Way area of Sleaford on the morning of 27/03/2013.

A white female, approximately 40 years old, with dark long hair, rimmed glasses and dressed in a suit with a long coat, and a white male aged approximately 40 years dressed in a suit and a long mac with grey hair, called at an address on Winchester Way, Sleaford.  They both claimed to be CID officers from Lincolnshire Police doing enquiries.  They left after being challenged for a warrant card and got into a small blue Vauxhall car and drove off towards the Canterbury Drive area.

If anyone who was in that area of Sleaford on the 27 March 2013 and recalls seeing these suspicious persons or vehicle, or if a similar incident incident has happened to you, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non emergency number 101 to report the incident.
Sometime between 29/03/2013 and 06/04/2013, the garage of a property on The Drove, Sleaford was broken into and a white Claude Butler City Hybrid bicycle was stolen.  Incident 199 06/04/2013 refers,

Two vehicles had their wing mirrors kicked off whilst parked on Lomax Drive, Sleaford. This occurred between midnight and 10am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 131 07/04/2013 refers.

A car was badly scratched and damaged whilst parked on Handley Court Mews, Sleaford.  This occurred between 8pm on 06/04/2013 and 9am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 129 07/04/2013 refers.

A car parked in the car park of St Georges Academy, Sleaford was damaged.  This occurred between 5pm-6.20pm on 27/03/2013.  Incident 94 06/04/2013 refers.
Sometime between 29/03/2013 and 06/04/2013, the garage of a property on The Drove, Sleaford was broken into and a white Claude Butler City Hybrid bicycle was stolen.  Incident 199 06/04/2013 refers,
Two vehicles had their wing mirrors kicked off whilst parked on Lomax Drive, Sleaford. This occurred between midnight and 10am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 131 07/04/2013 refers.

A car was badly scratched and damaged whilst parked on Handley Court Mews, Sleaford.  This occurred between 8pm on 06/04/2013 and 9am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 129 07/04/2013 refers.

A car parked in the car park of St Georges Academy, Sleaford was damaged.  This occurred between 5pm-6.20pm on 27/03/2013.  Incident 94 06/04/2013 refers.
Two vehicles had their wing mirrors kicked off whilst parked on Lomax Drive, Sleaford. This occurred between midnight and 10am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 131 07/04/2013 refers.
A car was badly scratched and damaged whilst parked on Handley Court Mews, Sleaford.  This occurred between 8pm on 06/04/2013 and 9am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 129 07/04/2013 refers.

A car parked in the car park of St Georges Academy, Sleaford was damaged.  This occurred between 5pm-6.20pm on 27/03/2013.  Incident 94 06/04/2013 refers.

A car was badly scratched and damaged whilst parked on Handley Court Mews, Sleaford.  This occurred between 8pm on 06/04/2013 and 9am on 07/04/2013.  Incident 129 07/04/2013 refers.
A car parked in the car park of St Georges Academy, Sleaford was damaged.  This occurred between 5pm-6.20pm on 27/03/2013.  Incident 94 06/04/2013 refers.

A car parked in the car park of St Georges Academy, Sleaford was damaged.  This occurred between 5pm-6.20pm on 27/03/2013.  Incident 94 06/04/2013 refers.

All officers from Lincolnshire Police whether in uniform or in plain clothes, will carry their warrant card as identification whilst on duty.  All PCSOs will also carry their photo identity card card whilst on duty.  If you have any persons purporting to be from Lincolnshire Police that you are uncertain about, do not hesitate to ask to see their identification.  If these persons refuse, close the door immediately and contact the police on 999.

Please take the time to highlight this matter with any elderly and vulnerable persons you may know so that they can be extra vigilant when they open the door.


We are appealing for any information on the following incidents that have been reported over the past few days in the Sleaford area.