Friday 25 October 2013

Batten Down the Hatches!

The Met Office and newspapers are pushing the prospect of very stormy Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Keep an eye out for falling trees, tiles and other debris! How bad?

We will have to wait and see! The storm will come into the south-west of the UK  and track north-east by the looks of it!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Dangerous Biker in Holdingham Area!

Just received this from the PCSO's / Neighbourhood Watch! Anybody been affected?

Vehicle anti social behaviour - Sleaford
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good morning from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

On the evening of Tuesday 15 October 2013, we received reports of a male riding a motorcross bike in the Holdingham area.  The male was described as wearing a stripey top, and he was riding the bike with no helmet or lights.

If you have any information on the identity of this male, or have witnessed a similar incident, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non-emergency number 101 quoting incident number 445 15/10/2013.  Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Kind regards

PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team

Also see it on Facebook (Holdingham).

Sunday 13 October 2013

Lincoln Road: Overgrown Hedge and Thistles!

Messages are being sent out that it looks like the thorns and hedges, which are making it difficult to walk next to the Cycle Track on Lincoln Road, are about to be cut back.

It is getting dangerous as cyclists and pedestrians are having to use the cycle track.

If it happens then some thanks to the County Councillor Mark Allan.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Farm Bridge Seats near A17 Holdingham to Leasingham

I am pleased to hear that NK and the ASB team are now looking at removing the bench where there has beeen incidents of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB).

This will be of releief to those residens who have been affected at all hours day and night.
It is a pity that these assets are misused and that residetns in Holdingham and Leasingam are then deprived of them. I hope a suitable alternative location is gfound that avoids the pitfalls of the present site.

Friday 4 October 2013

Holdingham Election Result

The result of the Holdingham Election result: held on October 3rd 2013 for the vacant Town Council seat was as follows:

 Paul McCallum 53 Independent

Mark Suffield 75 Lincolnshire Independent

6% turn out.

The low turnout needs analysing: either the voters have turned off from local democracy or are the problems of other parts of Sleaford consuming all our time and energy to the detriment of other areas. The local Sleaford press comment was as follows: Target! 

Maybe it is  time for the Town, District and County Councils to look hard at our democratic processes.

Would polling cards have raised awareness that a by-election was to be held? None were issued!

 Localism and Big Society are far away.