Friday 29 November 2013

Jolly Scotchman still the Jolly Scotchman

Apart from part of the front wall having been  demolished by a Lorry a few months ago I was  wondering if the new work, linked apparently to a change of ownership (Greene King Local Pubs), would mean that it was to change its name. No change I am told. Hope I am correct!

I am also hoping Old Speckled Hen is served ( a  beer that I like).

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Sleaford Clowns Beware: you may not be as funny as you think!!

I received this through the Neighbourhood Watch! It is about those who dress up as clowns and parade around Town. These crazes!!

ALERT CLOWNS  - Please report occurrences

We are getting reports from members of the public who are being approached by clowns as part of the craze that is sweeping across the East Midlands at this time.

Please make any potential would be clowns aware that Lincolnshire Police will take any reports of Anti-social behaviour seriously especially where occurrences intimidate, harass or frighten members of the public.

Should you have any sightings of clowns in your neighbourhood, please contact our Force Control Room on Tel: 101.  (24hrs)

Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Vehicle Damage Almond Walk

Neighbourhood Watch
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Two vehicles parked on Almond Walk, Sleaford were damaged between 19:00 hours on the 16th November and 08:00 hours on the 17th. One of the vehicles was parked on the pavement and the other on a driveway. Both appear to have been "keyed" causing considerable damage.

Incident 280 17/11/13 refers.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Cold Weather: will it affect the Christmas Market?

We seem to have a number budding weather experts. It always gets a head of steam towards Christmas. Anyway to cut a long story short - the latest weather charts are looking decidedly colder. After a relatively mild spell. Quite usual for November. Keep and eye on this link.

Weather Forecast Charts!

Also importantly ensure you are aware of the latest Weather Warnings from the Met Office.

Monday 11 November 2013

Local Petrol Prices

It is nice to Petrol Prices have dropped as world spot prices, and apparantly a strong Pound, have brought most pump prices near to 130P per litre for unleaded. Unfortunately we, in Sleaford and Holdingham, are still having to pay above 130p: whilst on a trip to Grantham today most prices were below, or well below, 130p.

At least it all means more money in the pockets of shoopers now starting on the Christmas purchases.

Friday 8 November 2013

Lincoln Road Nettle Clear out!

I was pleased to see that work has been done over recent days to clear the nettles and growth generally - which was making it difficul to walk along the pathway adjacent to Lincoln Road. See photo!  A resident had complained to the County Councillor Mark Allanvand Rowan Smith of Highways  - so thanks in that quarter for any pressure exerted.

Exhaust System Thefts: Holdingham and Sleaford

Exhaust Thefts- Sleaford Town
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Morning from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Overnight between 21:00 hours and 06:00 hours this morning there have been two thefts of complete exhaust systems from vehicles.

Both vehicles were Mercedes Sprinter Vans. One was parked on Spire View, Quarrington and the other Durham Avenue, Sleaford.

Incidents 45 and 50 of the 8/11/13 refer.

Please take steps to ensure that it is as difficult as possible for Offenders to target you.

If possible park your van in a position that would make it as difficult as possible for Offenders to remove your exhaust system.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this mess

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Impact on Holdingham: Straw Bales

I have put a comment on the Sleaford Target article as I do believe, as previously, there will be implications for Holdingham especially. And other parts of North Kesteven and Sleaford too.

The big issue will be the number of lorries, full or empty, leaving and entering the site. As I have mentioned before it could be up to double the number suggested unless plans have changed. The Holdingham Roundabout will be one area feeling the pinch. I am also assuming 50 full lorries in means 50 empty lorries out.

Monday 4 November 2013

Recent Election Low Turnout

I received the following message in response to an item on the low turnout at the recent  Holdingham Town Council By-Eleection.

"We , along with our neighbours, had no idea there was an election going on ."

I have checked with the candidates and every effort was made to publicise the election - leaflets etc. The one thing that was not issued was a polling card to each household.

Could the authors of that Comment let me know whereabout in Holdingham they live?
