Wednesday 29 January 2014

Street Lighting

The Alert/ Neighbourhood Watch have published the results of a survey to attitudes towards Street Lighting.  More to follow judging by this report.

The results of the survey are now available to download from our website here:

15,786 people responded to the survey. 22% of participants said that lighting had been switched off or dimmed in their area. Of those participants, 55.8% of the women and 38.8% of the men said that their community now feels less safe. When comparing the data by age, a higher number of younger respondents felt their safety was negatively affected.  Asked how dimming or switching off lighting affects their behaviour, 40% of respondents considered going out less, 65% avoided unlit areas and 15% said they would take taxis rather than walk.  To read more detail please see the full report.

Suzy Lamplugh Trust undertook Freedom of Information requests about street lighting cuts by local authorities across England and Wales with a view to comparing these results with the survey results. 

 However, due to staff illness, they have not yet completed this in as much detail as they wished.  Instead they plan to circulate this as another report at a later date.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Anti-Social Behaviour

Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Incident 412 17/01/14 refers to a report of anti-social behaviour on Croft Close, Sleaford. The report was made at approximately 20:40 hours on the 17/01/14.

A number of Youths were stopped by Officers and moved on from the area. Details were taken and have been passed to the ASB Team at NKDC.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Monday 20 January 2014

Lots of Gas and Energy around Sleaford? Will we benefit?

I am quite dizzy after watching the news these last few days: Lincolnshire and Sleaford areas seem to be at the forefront of energy development!

Look North and the BBC Show Inside Out have featured the Solar Panels at Burton Pedwardine near Sleaford, the spread of Fracking/Shale Gas Licences beyond those approved for the Gainsborough area: which will cover much of Lincolnshire and beyond within the next two years. The PM has been involved giving the Shale Gas extraction as a positive benefit. This against a backdrop of protest in other parts of the UK which, in some locations, have stopped the exploration dead in its tracks. The main concern is the lack or regulatory control which could lead to unintended and dangerous side-effects if not carried out properly. 

All this on top of the Biofuel plant due to start operation any time soon.

Many web sites cover these developments. But will communities benefit as the hint is that they will get direct benefits in cash, Some might call it bribery in an activity that has many ramifications unknown to most people. Interesting times!! 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Sleaford Cemetary Damage: Neighbourhood Watch

  I received this message through the Alert system of communication. 

Alice Harris (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good morning from the Sleaford Community Policing Team

We are appealing for any information, following the unexplained damage to one of the war graves in the Sleaford Cemetary.  The grave stone has been broken in two, and the policing team are trying to establish the cause of the damage, whether it is accidental or deliberate.  The damage was noticed on Thursday 8 January 2014, so could have occurred anytime prior to then.  On Saturday 11 January 2014, the gravestone was moved from its original location. 

If anyone witnessed any events in the Cemetary around these dates which could explain the damage, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non-emergency number 101, quoting incident number 112 15/01/2014.

Kind regards
PCSO 2215 Alice Harris
Sleaford Community Policing Team

Monday 13 January 2014

Fracking and Shale gas: time for an open debate on the pros and cons?

It has come out on the BBC Lincolnshire, and Nationally, about Fracking and Shale gas exploration. Lincolnshire was specifically mentioned on the BBC this morning. Good for them! Obviously it has been in the pipeline for some time. The take nationally is that it might induce cash-strapped councils to co-operate. 

It is time, long overdue,  for a pros and cons debate to start.

Friday 10 January 2014

New Fire Station: where will the permanent site be?

The Sleaford Standard has highlighted a temporary/sub-station for the Fire Service on East Road. The permanent one has not been formally announced (or decided?) However one "suggestion" has been near to the North of Sleaford. I will say no more!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Farm Bridge Bench: or not now there isn't!

Farm Bridge  Bench

Farm Bridge update: the bench that was installed at the outset of the Bridge being formally opened has now been removed. It was removed because it became the focal point for ASB at most times of the day and night (mostly night).

It is a pity as it performed a useful social function but as in other cases  in many towns not just in  Sleaford,  they become focal points for ASB and often involving Alcohol consumption or worse.

The reports are that the ASB has ceased so lets hope this improvement caries on throughout the year (especially in Summer when nights are short and the weather warmer).

Monday 6 January 2014

Expansion Problems: Holdingham example!

The Target has headlined again the fresh drawing up of plans to meet the 42000+  new Homes expectation in Lincolnshire! The above photo was taken in relation to the preparation of the Farm Bridge project and is used as an illustration. No doubt that sort of view will be repeated elsewhere if infrastructure is not put in place.

One comment on the Targeet article is about providing the infrastructure. Others presviously have commented about facilities for the new residents.  Based on our experience here don't hold your breath! It might help: in this multi-cuiltural society to know approximately what the mix will be!

Beam me up Scotty!