Sunday 15 June 2014

Local Democracy in Sleaford: will it bring about changes in policy?

But who are the real progressives?

So there are several reports of the recent District Council by-elections - and much comment on Facebook. The story topped the list of most read on the Sleaford Standard web-site for a few days. The Town Plan and link road were key points discussed. OK! we will get the arguments that only 25% or less actually turned out to vote so the rest aren't that bothered.

Well that is not necessarily the case: the lower turnouts in elections are seen as voters deciding that voting will not make one jot of difference. Things have been decided by the "elite". Now who would that refer to in North Kesteven and Sleaford?

Whether or not by design or just co-incidence a statement from NK reaffirmed (Standard article  also )  the intention to press ahead, if needed, with Compulsory Purchase of the required part of the Recreation Ground to facilitate a re-alignment of the Road network in Sleaford - and facilitate (maybe) a new Tesco superstore.

So here are some links on the election result: Standard, Target and NK web-site.

Well done all those who  stood for election, and those who turned out and voted. Congratulations to the winning candidates.

The big issue is: how can these results help turn the tide in favour of a reassessment of the Town Plan? Plans seem to get amended to facilitate proposed new ventures by outside business interests - so why not to facilitate residents preferences as shown in elections?

Wednesday 11 June 2014

So what happened? Will we get Lottery money again?

Update: On Wednesday 25 June at the Source at 8.00 pm - Martin Hill of LCC will be at the Source, Southgate (TC venue) to speak, and answer questions on the Anaerobic Digestor Plant. I will keep this site posted of any changes. 

The opening of the Farm Bridge in September 2012 was supposed to be a turning point: cyclists and pedestrians would travel between Sleaford and Leasingham without crossing a busy A.17. Lottery money had helped it to happen.

The M.O.U helped secure the money from the Lottery. However, a proposed entry and exit road to a Chicken Farm/Digestion Plant would affect this. And where would the proposed Anaerobic Digestion Plant and Chicken Farm, if approved, leave the reputation of the group that worked to secure the cycle paths.? The cycle path would have to cross it at some point: how that would compare to having to cross the busy A.17 one can only guess.

It seems to have descended into whether or not the M.O.U is valid legal protection. Well M.O.U's never were but that is not the overriding  principle here. Money was given for a safety purpose.

Post Note: Page 4 of the Sleaford Target (11/6) has a piece at the bottom of Page 4. Shows a photgraph of Children at the Leasingham St Andrew's Primary School at the opening of their new bike and scooter shelters. Sue Waring and Dr Bike from Sustrans are on the photograph with the words "Sustrans has been working closely with school and pupils to develop good habits of susttainable travel to school."

Much of that travel is between Sleaford and Leasingham.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

What is the latest? Residents of Holdingham and Leasingham need to know!

I went for a walk this afternoon just to look over the A.17 Farm Bridge and see if anything is happening yet! No sign of Biofuel Lorries: that apparently is next month.

No sign of any development re the Houses and Care Home. And on the other side of the A.17 (Leasingham side) no more stories about the progress or otherwise of the Anaerobic Digester Plant. Something has to give!!

It can't all happen without some major investment.  What is the point for instance of Chicken Lorries coming onto the A.15 and then onto the  busy Roundabout, down to A.17 and going off down the A.153 if it blocks access points on the A.15 towards Anwick.  

And finally there is planning permission for just under 300 dwellings on the Sleaford side of the A.17 adjacent to Sleaford Wood.

Here are a couple of photos to view  the area before any changes take place.