Friday 24 April 2015

Play Areas in Holdingham

Now that an election is approaching it may be an opportune time to review the quality and use of our Play Areas. 

Today I took some shots of the Lincoln Road Play area. Eight years ago I went door knocking, before we had all the facilities now available. Residents wanted somehere for the lads to play football, also a toddlers play area.

We also had a large hedge and so those of the recreation ground couldn't see the traffic. A vice-versa of course. However there was a downside to that and the Neighbourhood Watch/Police advised it would be better to cut the shrubs and trees down. That way, if there was any trouble, it would be better to keep a check on things. It worked.

Now 8 years on, and after all the facilities have been installed it is time, maybe to think of upgrades and improvement. There is more to Sleaford than say the Boston Road recreation ground.

Saturday 18 April 2015

St Georges Day Sleaford

I went to the Market Place this Saturday to have a look at events for St Georges Day.

The Town Crier formally opened the event at 09.30am. Luckily the weather was fine and there appeared to be a good turn out.

Here are two short video shots!
Saturday Morning

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Panoramic View of the area affected by the Anaerobic Plant and the Chicken Farm (if the planned development goes ahead).

The time for the decision by the Planning Inspectorate is only a week or two away. Here is a view by Camcorder of the area affected.

Sunday 5 April 2015

TV Election Debates

The TV debate, on 2 April 2015 featuring 7 leaders of the Political Parties in the May General Election appears to have been a big success and comment is still all over the media.

Here is a 3 minute condensed version. The minor parties did well (publicity wise) and got valuable exposure on the TV. AS usual the effect on the poll ratings is on the margins as the samples used are already politically biased to some extent. 


Friday 3 April 2015

Election Time and the Social Media in Sleaford

This notice, by the local police, show some concerns about the impact of the social media on the elction.

An article is in the Standard and this link is to that. I will bring the matter up, if appropriate, at the Neighbourhood Watch AGM in mid-April. 

My concern is that it could lead to as many problems as it solves. 

But we shall see! A diiferent attitude would take place in say the USA!