Tuesday 8 September 2015

Preserving the Historic Settlement of Holdingham: Really? Update at start of Consultation Period!

The consultation period has begun: an "exhibition/brief is being held toady 5 October in the Source 3.15 pm to 7.30 pm. The statement relating to Holdingham has not changed much. Here is an extract.

 Sleaford West Quadrant (Land to the west of Drove Lane and to the east of the A15) Development at Sleaford West Quadrant, as identified on the Policies Map, will result in the creation of comprehensively planned, new sustainable neighbourhood to the West of Sleaford of up to 1,600 dwellings (subject to technical studies which may reduce this figure). The first phases of development are likely to include the provision of an appropriate, limited scale(informed by traffic modelling) of residential development served from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue. The provision of a new roundabout off the A15 will be required to deliver subsequent phases of the development. More specifically, proposals for this area should: a. deliver a new local centre of around 1 ha to meet the day-to-day needs of Sleaford West Quadrant new community and nearby residents, incorporating provision of local retail facilities, services and community uses. b. provide a new healthcare facility of 0.5ha adjoining the local centre; c. provide a minimum of 3ha of mainly use class B1 employment land including a range of premises to complement the existing employment offer in the Sleaford area; d. provide a non-sitetwoformentryprimaryschoolof1.8hasiteareaandsecondaryeducation facility of 5. 5ha site area; e. support the delivery of the Sleaford East West Leisure Link to connect the town centre to green wedges and improve connectivity, as identified in the Sleaford  Masterplan; f. ensure access is provided via The Drove for pedestrians,cyclists,buses,existing residents and businesses and allotment holders, but not for residents of the new dwellings; g. deliver primary vehicular access for the development via a new junction with the A15 with appropriatemeasurestomanageanyadverseimpactonmovementwithinthewiderSleaford Area and the Town Centre in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Sleaford Transport Strategy. Secondary accesses will be provided from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue; h. Include a range of measures which promote safe walking and cycling which maximise opportunities associated with the proximity to the River Slea and connect the site to the Town Centre;

i. Provision on site of green infrastructure and public open space of around 11ha, which links intothewidergreeninfrastructurenetworkfortheSleafordAreaandincludesmultifunctional, dual use of the school playing fields; Central Lincolnshire| Further Draft Local Plan - October 2015 Sleaford

j. Ensuring that the development is safe from flooding from the River Slea through the application of the sequential approach to inform the site layout, ensuring that vulnerable land uses are,where possible, directed to lower areas of risk or are appropriately mitigated; k. Preserving the setting of the historic settlement of Holdingham.

9.3 Protecting Sleaford's  Setting and Character 9.3.1 Sleaford’s  historic centre and land alongside the River Slea are covered by a Conservation

The draft Master Plan is out and consultations are beginning: not a lot of time and some applications seem to have already been lodged (draft Grantham Road fore example.

However it finishes by saying it wants to preserve the Historic Settlement of Holdingham. A section is given below (Page 105 of the draft Master Plan). Most amazing!

Sleaford West Quadrant (Land to the west of Drove Lane and to the east of the A15) Development at Sleaford West Quadrant, as identified on the Policies Map, will result in the creation of comprehensively planned, new sustainable neighbourhood to the West of Sleaford of up to 1,600 dwellings (subject to technical studies which may reduce this figure). The first phases of development are likely to include the provision of an appropriate, limited scale (informed by traffic modelling) of residential development served from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue. The provision of a new roundabout off the A15 will be required to deliver subsequent phases of the development. More specifically, proposals for this area should:
(a) deliver a new local centre of around 1 ha to meet the day-to-day needs of Sleaford West Quadrant new community and nearby residents, incorporating provision of local retail facilities, services and community uses.
(b) provide a new healthcare facility of 0.5ha adjoining the local centre;
(c) provide a minimum of 3ha of mainly use class B1 employment land including a range of premises to complement the existing employment offer in the Sleaford area;
(d) provide an on-site two form entry primary school of 1.8ha site area and secondary education facility of 5.5ha site area;
(e) support the delivery of the Sleaford East West Leisure Link to connect the town centre to green wedges and improve connectivity, as identified in the Sleaford Masterplan;
(f) ensure access is provided via The Drove for pedestrians, cyclists, buses, existing residents and businesses and allotment holders, but not for residents of the new dwellings;
(g) deliver primary vehicular access for the development via a new junction with the A15 with appropriate measures to manage any adverse impact on movement within the wider Sleaford Area and the Town Centre in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Sleaford Transport Strategy. Secondary accesses will be provided from Covel Road, Stokes Drive and St Deny’s Avenue;
(h) Include a range of measures which promote safe walking and cycling which maximise opportunities associated with the proximity to the River Slea and connect the site to the Town Centre;

Preserving the setting of the historic settlement of Holdingham.

Sunday 6 September 2015

So will it be alright on the night? A15 Holdingham I mean!

The latest development looks like the photo (5 September) with a link into the Digestor Plant and one out. Hedges have been removed to allow this: also there is anew strip that links one side of the 90 degree bend to the other.

Whether or not this in addition to the present Cycle-Pedestrian track I do not know. Time to find out I suppose.
The Anaerobic Digestor Plant seems to be progressing as planned. I have seen photos from the other side which support that.