Saturday 27 February 2016

Sleaford Clean for the Queen: extend the principle for every day of the year!

Unsightly litter is a constant (and seemingly worsening) problem everywhere. Alongside Roads and Motorways evidence of litter (much thrown out of vehicles as an unwelcome present for the nearby Community).

 However  it is not all from that source but can be dropped by residents who have visited local Stores and Takeaways and other sources. 

March 4th was litter pick day on Castlefield(s) open space:  lovely area if looked after and kept clean. Thanks to everyone who attended to help. 

Postnote: Since I first wrote this piece the Beck and access to Newcomb court looks cleaner. Obviously there has been a litter pick of some sort - where thorns do not prevent cleaning of the Beck.
I went a walk to Leasingham this morning (27 Feb) and noticed one or two changes (see photos below). Firstly work has started on the Holdingham Grange housing development alongside the A17. Lets hope that is inhabited by litter conscious residents. 

Unfortunately along the Hockmeyers side of the Lincoln Road there is evidence of an increase in litter piling up in the Becks. Because of the prickly growth it was hard to get a close-up. In a week when some Councillors and residents are involved in the Clean for the Queen - this part of town does not appear on the list (I am on the Castlefield Clean up). 

However if anyone wants to complain please do so - I will also add my three pennyworth.

Friday 19 February 2016

Housing and Planning Bill 2015-16: is it relevant to Sleaford and the Wider Area?

How many first time buyers will it affect?

I write this Blog piece as a way of educating myself. To my knowledge the Housing Bill is with the House of Lords for comment. So it is not quite on the Statute Books yet.

Plenty of amendment are being suggested for the House of Commons to consider. Getting on the Housing ladder is difficult as I remember all too well. It may even be a factor in recent local Newspaper headlines relating to the Tesco (ex Avanta Seeds) site. In its provision it will contain legislation relating to the use of "Brownfield" sites. 

Obviously such sites have to be contamination free to be of any use for Housing. And many other things. 

The general consensus is that development of the site (and access say to Boston Road) would be beneficial to Sleaford.  That is my reading of the situation anyway. I am advised that 82% of Local Councils have now produced Local Plans: that is a start. 

So what are the uses? Here is what the legislation contains!

"The publication of the Housing Bill will (it is claimed) help deliver 1m  homes by 2020. 

New Affordable Starter Homes - a new legal duty will be placed on Councils to guarantee the delivery of Starter Homes on all reasonably sized development sites to promote schemes to first time buyers. This by helping Councils prepare Brownfield sites that would otherwise not be used to build Starter homes. 

Automatic Planning Permission in principle on Brownfield sites etc. "

There is more but you get the drift. It will need access and one option is the put a link through to Boston Road from the Tesco site. 

Which leads me back to the ex-Avanta Seed site. Now owned by Tesco. Hope that at least explains some of things that are going on. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

Holdingham: Sleaford or Ruskington?

The Boundary Commission is proposing Boundary Changes (electorally) that will ahve major implications for the future.

For Holdingham it is, at present, suggesting that the northern part around Holdingham Lane but excluding Woodside, becomes part of Ruskington.

This latter  division will also incorporate Leasingham and Rauceby as well as some hamlets.

The link is here Boundary Change Proposals. Democracy or not. The proposals for Sleaford in general keep it at 18 Councillors but 8 of these will be in the Quarrington Ward.

What is important is "will the Becks be kept clean"?  Will the traffic control and bus services meet the expected expansion? Answers on a past card.

This division comprises five whole parishes including Ruskington and North and South Rauceby. It also includes the south-eastern edge of Cranwell, Brauncewell & Byard’s Leap parish and the north-eastern area of Sleaford parish. We received two proposals for division arrangements relating to this area. The proposed pattern varies from those suggested to allow for better electoral equality across the district. We received no further submissions relating specifically to this area. The division also allows for good electoral equality and makes use of clearly identifiable boundaries on the ground. The division has been renamed   Ruskington.

Sleaford 1 -10%

This division comprises Sleaford, Clay Hill, Sleaford West Junction and Sleaford North Junction. We received two proposals for division arrangements relating to this area. The proposed pattern varies from those put forward in order to allow for better electoral equality across the district. We received one further submission relating specifically to this area. This proposed no change to the area. However, no changes to the existing pattern of divisions in this area, would not provide for good electoral equality. The proposed division allows for good electoral equality and makes use of clearly identified boundaries on the Ground.