Wednesday 29 June 2016

Looking After Trees in our Lincoln Road Play Area

Update: 14 July. A tree has been badly damaged (destroyed) maybe by a football being kicked against it.

I received a report through the Town Council Facebook site that trees had been damaged on the Lincoln Road Play.

The trees in question being the recently planted ones as part of the programme helped in pat by grants.

Latest (4 July) Two trees on the StAnnes side have had the straps cut.

Previous: So I went down in trepidation at what I might see. In the end not as bad as  I had feared. After a couple of days on very heavy storms, with hailstones covering the area white over, the damage was less that I had feared.

The trees on the St Anne's  side were largely untouched but the ones near the Lincoln Road were generally intact but with the ties/straps broken. How it has happened (vandalism or storm battered) is unclear (to me anyway).

The biggest eyesore was the amount of litter (soft drink bottles and junk food cartons and boxes). Why can't the users of these fast food items put them in the bins rather that trying to trash the bins. So sad!

Thursday 23 June 2016

Grass Cutting Cutbacks in Sleaford (not the kind we want)

 A list of affected areas of Sleaford which will be affected by County Cutbacks - has been issued. 

I don't think it is something that can be let to residents (some maybe). Having just been to the polling station to cast my referendum vote (which needs  paid staff to administer) it seems there is always money for that (OK it hasd to be done) but also there is the issue of funding all the layers of Local Government and the amounts in expendiurea and allowances that it entails. 

Anyway: rant over. Here are two more imagesof the Holdingham area where savings are to be made. The Brownish area is NK which will be maintaiend: the Yellowie/Green colour is Councy which I thinka re the bits to be axed. 

Friday 17 June 2016

Thursday 9 June 2016

How Many Houses For Sleaford?

Watch the Town Council Debate!

Post Note: Interestingly the Pensioners Alliance has issued this guidance to ite members of General Council on aspects of Health and Wellbeing. It refers to the infrastructure aspects that should be guaranteed, to protect in their case well being of elderly people (of which is a growing number).

It could be argued that we are only paying lip-service to this and  cannot really guarentee this infrastructure because of lack of investment and piecemeal approach.


Not the best quality on this YouTube debate but still useful comments by Councillors. 

The Cogglesford Mill Application outcome  also raises issues. 

Saturday 4 June 2016

Sleaford West Planning Application: 16/0498/OUT

How much democracy and forward planning will it undertake?

The Sleaford Town Council discussed this proposal last Wednesday (1 June 2016). 
It has two weeks in which to make useful comments. Using the freedom on information Act and laws to allow video recordings on Council debates some material is available.

The recording is available on You Tube and marked Sleaford Town Council (debates). One is 23 minutes long and the other (Part 2) about 16 minutes. 

The issues these types of development arouse are serious ones.
Well done Councillors.