Tuesday 18 October 2016

Litter Picking: Holdingham (and Sleaford): Fast Food

How much should we rely on users and the producers?

Every so often I (like everyone else nearly) complain about unsightly litter. Mostly cartons containing the food. Whether on the Roadside or in the Park areas (wherever). The Holdingham Roundabout was cleared recently as, after cutting the grass, all the litter was visible. Not nice.

NKDC (environemntal Health?) were quick off the mark and went to clear it up. Meanwhile, at times, it starts to look messy down the Lincoln Road and in He Play Areas.

The Town Council cleaning services do a good job but there are some demarcations as to who does what, when  and where.

Wherever you get fast food takeaways it seems you get litter which is just thrown down by those eating it -- or just thrown out of car windowss which must be the explanation for o much rubbish at the side of the Roads - including Holdingham Rounabout. What is vexing is that litter is dumped only feet away from a bin.

Anyway I went along to see the Manager of McDonalds to check that they still do litter picks. They do, and it is part of (embedded in) their Company Corporate rules. 

They certainly di a liter pick over the weekend. Maybe there is a case to extend this policy from all Food take-away outlets. Some do already but it is amazing how far it travels.

Just a thought.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Problems with intensive Livestock Farms: Sleaford take note!

Interestingly a new study has appeared pouring cold water on the idea of locating Livestock Farms near populated areas - and in the UK generally for that matter. The study has been done by Dr Lidwien Smit an environmental epidemiologist at Utrecht University. 

This might have ramifications for Lincolnshire including Sleaford. This refers to livestock mind!

Here is the report featured in the Financial Times: it was also covered in Private Eye as an "The Agri Brigade " feature. The original research is from This article refers also to Poultry see below! 2The countryside is supposed to offer a healthy escape from the blight of city smog, but new research suggests this is not the case for people living near a lot of pig, cow or chicken farms. The air around farming “hotspots” can be as risky to breathe ...".

Considering applications for large farms within Lincolnshire (not just those officially Livestock) then such research needs to be taken very seriously. 

The Agri Brigade feature specificall says "The messaage may at last be getting through to UK Policy makers. Huge Pig and Poultry Farms and Super Dairies are completely inappropriate in a densley populated country like Britain". Touche!

Thursday 6 October 2016

Care Home Back on the Agenda: Holdingham Sleaford

I was surprised to see this back on the Planning Agenda at Sleaford Town Council last night.

However there it was: it can be viewed on NKDC Planning Online with a 2 Story Care home. Thae application number is 16/0986/RESM. Land Off Furlong Way and south of the A17. It is also next to the Housing Development at Holdingham Grange.

The  Town Council meeting is covered it at the following YouTube Address. YouTube.  This short video also covered the proposed local changes in the NHS,

IT will be situated to the left of this photo. (This photo taken in July/August).