Monday 27 March 2017

Latest Economic Trends: Blog Post Sleaford and Lincolnshire

I will lie low for a while until the County Council elections are out of the way. However the state of the economy and other factors may be ingredients when it comes to voting. 

The latest local economic and social trends are given on the Lincolnshire Research Observatory site. 

All in all Brexit seems to have coincided, in one way or another, with a lift in the local (Lincolnshire) economy: although other factors are not so buoyant. 

That is my reading of this report. Others may have a different opinion.

Candidates standing in the County Elections can be found at Election May 4 2017

Friday 17 March 2017

Lots happening in Holdingham: but not all good!

Post Note: Photographs in the Sleaford Standard web-page showing the School-Children helping with Planting

I did a tour of the Holdingham Ward of Sleaford today (Friday 17 March).  Here are a few photographs with comment. I have now added a link to last nights NKDC Planning Meeting. 

Latest: I went to the NKDC Planning Meeting (as an onlooker yesterday 21/03). It is about the 1400 houses planned for Sleaford West UE. Still outline Planning. Here is the Sleaford Standard Article link. I have commented on it. The Planning Committee of NKDC debated the 1400 houses site. The audio video recording is on the link below (Agenda).

Planning Committee

Best listen from about minute 45 onwards when Councillors start raising issues. 

Woodside Open Space/Play Area

Lots of new trees planted on the Dawson Road, Summerfield Drive side. I hope there is plenty of rain to come to help get them established. I counted approx 50 trees in total.

Lincoln Road 

Just after 4.00 pm it was almost Gridlocked from the Holdingham Roundabout down to the Town Centre. Both sides. This happens regularly at peak periods. Trying to get safely across the road was hazardous.

Lincoln Road Play Area

New surface covering the part near the Basketball area. Still soft and not sure if theyahve put oa covering over extra "Tarmac?" to protect it until ready. However a good move.