Friday 22 September 2017

Is action being taken: Holdingham Grange/Holdingham Mead junction?

The Sleaford Town Council (STC) debated an Outline Plan for another two hundred houses at Holdingham Grange. 

Post Note 26/9: Councillor Kate Cook has asked for some signs to be placed near the entrance to  warn pedestrians, motorists, cyclists etc to be warned when approaching this junction.
No positive action so far by the Builder. On October 4th this article has appeared in the Standard

The debate concentrated on the mismatch of Cycle Track/Roadway onto the site and Holdingham Lane. The view below is of the development of the Care Home and an image of a car having to cross over into Holdingham Lane. 

The debate is at: STC Agenda Item 7.2

Friday 8 September 2017

Holdingham Grange Ins and Outs

The new Estate has had coverage of late due to Planning Changes which will affect both the overall number of houses but also the number of "Affordable" houses.  

However the way into the new development is an issue (from the Holdingham Mini-Roundabout) and a potential exit off Jacob(s) Close is unclear. (Is there mean't to be one)The latter has partial pathways but a potential exit onto Holdingham Lane, near the entrance to Winchester Way(pedestrian), is unclear.  There are several issues to resolve here. 

I took a few photographs the other day. Here they are: 

 View Towards Exit to Holdingham Lane and (right) adjacent Open Space.
 Holdingham Lane view to Holdingham Grange and entry to Winchester Way and (below) down Holdingham Lane from the same spot. And extreme bottom (below) is an "old" photo (but still relevant) of the entrance to Holdingham Grange (which has still not been addressed)