Saturday 27 April 2019

Awards to Sleaford People, groups and Companies: 2019 winners

We had the Sleaford Town Awards Thursday 25 April 
at the Sleaford Town Council. It is jointly sponsored by the Council and the Sleaford Standard. I took the attached photo of the Mayor presenting the Environmental Award group who are doing a great job helping clear the Town of Litter: but the full list is on the attached Sleaford Standard link. 

I presented the Sports Individual of the Year award to a huge impressive guy (Malcolm Fenton).

These events have been happening for many years now. I remember them from when John Lavery was Editor of the Sleaford Standard (facebook link). They are and were popular events which for many brought the Town together with differences (social and political) forgotten for a while. 

I took one photograph of the award for Environment. There were 16 in total this year. Click on this link Sleaford Awards

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Holdingham Sleaford: Four years on!

Open Spaces and associated Play Areas have gradually improved over the past decae or so. But the last 4 years have seen more rapid improvements.

Here is my latest (and last) Ward Report as a Sleaford Town Councillor. The photographs were all taken on April 1st.



On April 1st I toured the Holdingham Ward with specific reference to the Facilities which are the direct responsibility of Sleaford Town Council. The facilities included: Woodside Play Area (Open Space): Lincoln Road Play Area; Bus Stop/Shelter adjacent to Furlongs Road;  Becks on Lincoln Road and to the rear of Winchester Way.

Some relevant Photographs are attached.


The improvement in the facilities available on the Lincoln Road and Woodside Open Spaces are considerable in comparison to those available in 2015. (These are my observations). 

Woodside: The Fencing in Summerfield (boundary with the Open Space) has improved matters for the residents. The entrance at Woodside (off Summerfield and the Sleaford Wood) is now more open. Note:  it suffers from very muddy conditions at times (responsibility unclear).

Bus shelter: Graffiti is a problem.  (I understand this is to be cleaned). Thankful for the cleaning but these ASB acts use up Ratepayers money.

Lincoln Road Issues: The Beck adjacent to Holdingham “Green” Housing (e.g. Stokes Drive) to Hockmeyers Garage) suffers from Litter mainly near to Hockmeyers Garage.  Fast Food Cartons and  Drink containers. Similarly: the hedgerows adjacent to Peterborough Way suffer from Litter deposits.  The pavements are cleaned by STC (and also McDonalds and NKDC (where appropriate e.g. Farm Bridge)

General Conclusion

Council Staff, Services and Assets Panel and others deserve some credit.

Vandalism or Graffiti Artwork?

Play Area for youngsters

Lincoln Road

Lincoln Road 1

Litter thrown into Becs

Much improved with Football Pitch