Sunday 12 September 2021

Are proposed actions to mitigate against Climate Change unachievable? More harm than good?

Alok Sharma

The final concluding Statement from Cop26 is here: delivered late on November 13 by a weary President!  

Latest November 13th: Cop26 goes over the time limit: disagreement on Fossil Fuel phasing out  (Coal and others?). Many looking for cash to help. Meanwhile, the scale of lobbying by the fossil fuel industry is indicated by the size of their delegations in Glasgow.

Clearly, work has been going on behind the scenes for some time: rather undermines Cop26. 

The next Cop is Cop27 

The COP27 will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. 2022. (well at least it  should be hot and dry.)

Lincolnshire Warnings  This local effects diagram within 10 years seems unlikely but represents a warning if nothing is done. (Better defenses etc) 

Here is the latest News

Much media interest in the number of Private Jets being used (not quite in the spirit of Cop26).  The Times (2 November highlighted it)

Cop26 brief from Met Office (Webinar) on 6th October 2021 (full day session)

It is essential that societies seek ways of becoming environmentally sustainable and adaptable to unknowable environmental changes, particularly in the climate. This must happen in the context of globalization. (OU)

RMetS Resources for Cop26

Climate change is now generally recognized as a phenomenon that requires both actions to prevent further damage and mitigation to improve the resilience of those experiencing its effects. 

Many groups are putting forward their aims and objectives on behalf of their members and Stakeholders in a bid to put pressure on Ministers and as input to COP26 (Conference of the Parties) due 31st October/November 2021 in Glasgow. 

One such recommendation from Prospect is at this link 

In brief these proposals say:

1. Publish a comprehensive Net Zero Roadmap: 2. Accelerate Deployment of low carbon infrastructure: 3.  Embed a whole systems approach: 4. Develop a fair funding formula: 5. A strategy for energy conservation: 6. Maximize the benefits for UK PLC: 7. Net Zero Workforce Plan: 8. Ramp up Research and Development Programme: 9. A Just Transition: 10. A Net Zero Energy Commission. 

Another submission from CSPA (Pensioners Alliance) is identified below. But will these proposals lead to anything substantial as there is little chance of succeeding until the major world economies agree? 

Such effects impact: with particular severity on older people. They include:

 • Severe weather (storms, floods, extreme heat) 

• Sea level rises and coastal erosion 

• Threats to water and food security

 • Potential interruption to and scarcity of fuel supply

• Increased air pollution. It is vital that dialogue improves between organizations representing older people and government, its agencies and other interested parties, for example, the insurance sector. It is necessary to

• Educate older people about what may be in store

 • Prevent stress and mental ill-health arising from climate change 

• Mitigate the effects of climate change and air pollution on physical ill health • Mitigate damage as far as possible. 

This AGM instructs the EC to open cross-party dialogue on this topic with a view to strategic and practical engagement in the political and civil arena and to produce an action plan relevant to CSPA members and consonant with Later Life Ambitions. 

Further, the AGM encourages Groups to engage on this topic with regional and local stakeholders such as the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Green Summit.

All well and good but very broad brush and as mentioned above will be difficult, and futile to implement, unless everyone is on board.