Sunday 13 January 2008

Sleafords Role In Power Generation

Should Sleaford take a stance?

The debate over "green" energy is hotting up. Articles appeared in the press recently, including the Sleaford Standard, about proposals and concerns over the Governments future nuclear energy intentions.

Greens Threaten Climate Fight
"Government's former chief scientific adviser has accused green activists of putting the fight against climate change at risk by wanting to take society back to the 17th century."

A case of "kettle calling the pot" I think as it is not long ago that the Government itself was being accused of not having a policy!

However Sleaford is now coming to terms with its potential role in Power generation. I received the newsletter EcoNews, about the proposed biofuel production at Kirkby La Thorpe near Sleaford: the Eco2 site gives its reasons for wanting to site the plant.

The impetus behind all this is the realization that, if we are to free ourselves from being dependent on Russia, the Middle-East and other States such as Venezuela, the sooner we generate energy from our own resources the better. Even Coal is making a comeback.

OK so we all favour that I think!

However the issues are important. As someone who, as a schoolboy, had to run a cross country course through the famous/infamous Orgreave Colliery, and alongside the smell and fumes from the Coke ovens, I am sensitive to the enforcement of standards in such developments. The quip was: if you survive the Orgreave fumes you stand a good chance of winning the race. A nice story but don't let us go there again: they were the bad old days.

What is of the essence for Sleafordians is that there are no uncontrollable side-effects, such as emissions, and that their mobility to their places of work and pleasure are not impaired. The Holdingham roundabout and the A17 bypass must not become over-congested: which they may at peak traffic times.

That has to be the difference between what happened when the coal fields were first sited many decades ago - in the bad old days. Also, let us in this day and age, plan these developments in a coherent way.


Anonymous said...

Don't let us down

John Charlesworth said...

I wish I had the power. All we can do is be vigilant and make our views known. Setting standarss anmd getting a Community funding to improve and help mitigate bad side effects is essential. I will return to the Community benfits issue later this week.