Friday 21 March 2008

Lincoln Road Crossing Points!

No Refuge yet near Stokes Drive!

The latest I have on this, as a result of complaints from residents about the dangers of trying to cross the Lincoln Road neat the Stokes Drive entrance, is that Highways cannot yet make a reasoned case to spend the money!!

We must keep trying as the pressure can only rise with the prospect of more houses on the old Bowling Club in addition to the 97 near the Roundabout. On one day last week the traffic backed right up from Tesco's to the Holdingham Roundabout: kids were trying to cross to get to the Lincoln Road Play area. Dog walkers could not cross safely!

The only promise made from Highways is along the lines: they are still of a mind to provide this facility if at all possible. It has not been dismissed totally but it will prove difficult unless either the way in which these schemes are funded changes or a third party can be persuaded to help fund it.

So we must keep pressing!

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