Monday 25 August 2008

Farm Bridge: from where to where?

I took these photos near to the farm bridge that is designated (I hope) to be upgraded by the money won from the national Lottery. It has repercussions for Holdingham Lane.

The plan is to cut the Holdingham Lane into two with the bit nearest the Lincoln Road being cut off to traffic. This is at the junction shown on the first photo above: at this exit point Holdingham Lane will I am told be truncated. Cyclists will be able to get from the Farm Bridge and new housing development whilst vehicles will be able to get to Holdingham Lane via the new development.

OK so cyclists will be able to get from the Holdingham Lane at this point across the bridge but then where do they go after that – see photo 2 above?

As a backdrop the 97 Houses and Flats near to the roundabout are now under construction and presumably could be occupied, within the next year, and some of the kids (could be up to 200) may have to go to Leasingham Schools safely. Otherwise they will have to go via the Holdingham Roundabout which is dangerous to cross.

I will keep you posted.

Friday 8 August 2008

A Holdingham Population Profile

The Lincolnshire Research Observatory has published 2001 Census details, of Lincolnshire down to individual Wards, which are extremely useful. Obviously this profile is changing as the population grows and changes in terms of age, ethnic background and other factors. Other data includes the 2005 Mid Year Population Estimates. However take this data as early 2000s.

The next Census in 2 or 3 years will be very interesting as it affects the amenities, employment, education and other facilities needed in the area.

I was somewhat surprised that Holdingham is generally younger than North Kesteven and England/Wales. Here are the statistics: more to follow when I have digested the Census.

% Sleaford Holdingham North Kesteven England/Wales

Under 16 22.2 19.4 20.2

16 to 19 5.8 4.2 4.9

20 to 29 11.5 9.5 12.6

30 to 59 44.6 42.8 41.5

60 to 74 10.8 15.7 13.3

75 and Over 5.2 8.3 7.6

Average Age 36.0 40.8 38.6

Friday 1 August 2008

Overtaking and Tailgating on the A15 Bypass near Holdingham

On my way to the Rubbish Tip, down Mareham Lane via the A15 bypass a couple of days ago, I was concerned by the dangerous driving.
It must be the time of year because there is a spate of articles in the press about this very subject. It is a major public concern. Safe drivers are apparently more at risk because of the pressure it puts them under. Tailgating and bad overtaking are serious hazards and causing many accidents (some fatal)! Speeding motorcyclists are also named as other culprits on Lincolnshire's roads (this highlighted by the BBC on Look North recently).
I don't understand why it is necessary on this stretch of road! One motorist overtook me and two other cars, after tailgating us, just avoided an oncoming Lorry by only inches, only to reach the roundabout near the Quarrington junction a few feet in front of us!
The future increase in traffic, as a result of development, will add to the dangers on that road. Road calming measures are badly needed.