Friday 1 August 2008

Overtaking and Tailgating on the A15 Bypass near Holdingham

On my way to the Rubbish Tip, down Mareham Lane via the A15 bypass a couple of days ago, I was concerned by the dangerous driving.
It must be the time of year because there is a spate of articles in the press about this very subject. It is a major public concern. Safe drivers are apparently more at risk because of the pressure it puts them under. Tailgating and bad overtaking are serious hazards and causing many accidents (some fatal)! Speeding motorcyclists are also named as other culprits on Lincolnshire's roads (this highlighted by the BBC on Look North recently).
I don't understand why it is necessary on this stretch of road! One motorist overtook me and two other cars, after tailgating us, just avoided an oncoming Lorry by only inches, only to reach the roundabout near the Quarrington junction a few feet in front of us!
The future increase in traffic, as a result of development, will add to the dangers on that road. Road calming measures are badly needed.

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