Thursday 28 October 2010

Tricking and Treating!

Post Halloween: It seemed to go off OK although some kids (older ones) were not supervised. I think we used up all our sweets/chocolates ( 2 bags) and about a dozen groups of kids - about 4 or 5 per group - (in their very clever Halloween Make-up) knocked on our door. It seems this event is taking over from Bonfire Night. Well done everyone.

I picked up this message from the Neighbourhood Watch for Halloween night. It seems sensible advice!

Halloween Tips for adults.

Know the route your children are taking!

Explain the difference between tricks and vandalism! Throwing eggs for instance may
seem fun but think about the problems of cleaning it up and the anxiety it may cause.

Make sure an adult is supervising the evening!

Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home and you have been able to check what they have been given! Telll children not to approach houses with "No trick or treating" signs. They are there for a reason.

Yep I know we all did it and perhaps things seemed safer in those days. But maybe not - we may have been lucky! I hope.

Have a nice weekend.

Friday 22 October 2010

New Houses near Holdingham Roundabout

I have re-opened this topic as it is still dragging on!

The make-up of the residents will be that (as far as I am aware): Sleaford and district first and then others if and when the local list dries up. As far as the start date, and the solution to the Eletricity supply has been overcome, it is most likely to be in the early New Year. I hope it is before Christmas for the sake of those requiring the housing - but I have not received any firm assurance on this matter. Maybe it is all part of a chain of moves which will release other properties for use or redevelopment down the line. I will keep my ear to the grapevine.

If anyone out there gets any news: please let me know. Best Regards.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Holdingham Woodside Open Space and Play Area

I was pleased that the new play equipment destined for the Woodside Play area/Open Space has now been installed. This, at last and after much campaigning, will be of great benefit to the local residents. Hopefully it marks the start of making much better use of the 5 acre open space area.
The view is from just inside the main gate.

Monday 18 October 2010

Lincoln Road Horse Chestnut Trees

I noticed the trees along the Lincoln Road went brown pretty early this year - as they sometimes do. However in view of the national alarm about them I have asked questions as to why this is and "should we be worried?"!

I understand that other Horse Chestnut trees are, or may be, in trouble around Sleaford including the Boston Road.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Lincoln Road Play Area Hedge

I have received one or two comments about the cutting of the hedge along the Lincoln Road which forms part of the boundary with the Play Area.

Views are mixed: some dismayed at the scale of cutting. Others are pleased to see that the Police will be able to see if any Anti-Social Behaviour is taking place as they drive up and down the Lincoln Road. This, as I recollect, has been the advice all along as a means to reduce ASB on all public open spaces.

I took a couple of photos, one inside the play area and one from the Lincoln Road, and spoke with the workmen who were clearing up the packages of crisp bags and take-away cartons (some half full) which are deposited in the open space.

The hedge will grow again - so I am in favour of the cutting to allow the police and PCSO's to
see what is going on!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Electricity Supply A17 Housing Holdingham

I have made some further enquiries about the Electricity problems on the new Housing site - and as a result delaying the take up of the housing.
Apparantly a new transformer is needed. How long this will take is not clear.

Monday 11 October 2010

Latest Farm Bridge

Here are the latest Farm Bridge Photos which I took today: the day before the official opening tomorow on the 12th October.

I also was able to see the site manager of the new housing development and expressed my interest (and concern) as to when the Houses would be available to new residents. The date unofficially still just before Christmas but electricity supplies seem to be the problem.

Friday 8 October 2010

Tuesday 12th October Farm Bridge

I have received confirmation that the photo opportunity is still on for next Tuesady at 14.00 hours (2p.m. in old money) to mark the completion of the Farm Bridge and footpath/cycleway between Sleaford and Leasingham.

The weather (hopefully!) is looking OK.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

97 Houses Update

This is taking longer than was originally expected. The latest noises I am getting is that it could be just before Christmas for the first houses/flats to be available (say Dec 22/23rd).

I still think, from info that I have received, it is to do with the electricity supply.
