Thursday 28 October 2010

Tricking and Treating!

Post Halloween: It seemed to go off OK although some kids (older ones) were not supervised. I think we used up all our sweets/chocolates ( 2 bags) and about a dozen groups of kids - about 4 or 5 per group - (in their very clever Halloween Make-up) knocked on our door. It seems this event is taking over from Bonfire Night. Well done everyone.

I picked up this message from the Neighbourhood Watch for Halloween night. It seems sensible advice!

Halloween Tips for adults.

Know the route your children are taking!

Explain the difference between tricks and vandalism! Throwing eggs for instance may
seem fun but think about the problems of cleaning it up and the anxiety it may cause.

Make sure an adult is supervising the evening!

Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home and you have been able to check what they have been given! Telll children not to approach houses with "No trick or treating" signs. They are there for a reason.

Yep I know we all did it and perhaps things seemed safer in those days. But maybe not - we may have been lucky! I hope.

Have a nice weekend.

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