Tuesday 22 March 2011

Care Home Entrance

I took this photo on 18th March at the point where the new trees and shrubs have been planted. All in all 15 trees and several dozen shrubs.

This looks as though it will be the entry point to the Care Home (if it goes ahead).


Louise said...

What care home entrance? this is the first time I have heard of a care home being built on the site. It would have been nice if they could have provided the children of Holdingham Mead with a safe play area - bearing in mind how close they are to the A15 and A17; and at least put in a safe road crossing!

Louise said...

What care home? this is the first I have heard of any care home being built on the site. Surely that was not in the original plans. It would be nice if the children of Holdingham Mead had been provided with a safe play area bearing in mind ghow close they are to the A17 & 15 - not to mention a proper crossing place!

John Charlesworth said...

This is something for the newly elected Councillors to take up after May 5th.

Louise said...

I would be interested to know when the care home was first mentioned as I have seen no mention of it in the local press.

John Charlesworth said...


I firSt mentioned it in early MarCh on this Blog. We had a demonstration/talk at a Town Council meeting. A formal application has not yet been made.


Louise said...

Thank you for the information I will keep an eye out for further information. Not that local opinion seems to be of any interest to North Kesteven District Council as they will simply impose their will with a bulldozer!