Sunday 9 September 2012

New Bus Shelter!?

Update: This application has now been made but Town Councillors have asked for a meeting to discuss issues of siting and the potential dangers if buses have to reverse into Furlong Way! A Meeting with Highways is  scheduled for next week. Around the 18/9.


I understand there is serious talk about a bus stop/shelter opposite the new Housing Estate near the mini-Roundabout.  It will need the approval of the Town Council and the Road Safety Partnership (I presume). Remember the original one was on the Lincoln Road near and Opposite Stokes Drive. That was started and then abandoned.

All this should have been done long ago when the plans for the development were made.  How the buses will turn I don't know. Perhaps they will have to back in and out of Furlong Way!?

19 September
I will check.


Anonymous said...

Now it's just a late night hang out for loud groups of teenagers that like to keep me and my baby up at night!

John Charlesworth said...

I have left a message with the PCSO and copied elsewhere. It says: have had a message from a mother living near the new Bus Shelter opposite Furlongs Holdingham.

The message is about the loud noise from Teenagers using the Shelter at night (drinking alcohol by the looks of the bottles left behind) . The noise keeps her and baby awake at night. It is at the following web address where I wrote an article at the time the bus shelter was installed.

Would it be possible to alert patrols to keep an eye on this and take any action as necessary ?

John Charlesworth

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that would be a great help. I find it hard to believe we are the only family affected, so I can safely say you have helped quite a few people with doing this. My wife is disabled and she feels very vulnerable being left with a baby when I am on a night shift, due to the level of noise that can be created by these people that are no more than 100 yards from our bedroom window. Many thanks.

John Charlesworth said...

I have received this message from the PCSO's. So fingers crossed!

"Thank you for your email. I will make local officers aware so they can keep an eye on the area and move on any persons causing problems."

If you can encourage any residents who are experiencing problems to contact the non-emergency number 101 to report when the persons are at the bus shelter, so that officers are able to deal with the persons promptly.