Wednesday 30 January 2013

Galley Hill Railway Station?

So there are letters circulating about the idea of putting a new Railway Station near Galley Hill. And towards the Holdingham end of Town.

Well I suggest they look at the map and it won't be a panacea for getting rid of the Rail Crossing on Southgate - rail will still go through on that line. All it wil do is move part of the problem onto someone else!

Otherwise it might have some benefits, for this end of Town, although I am sure not many will agree!

Monday 28 January 2013

Sleaford Linking into Holdingham

So the year is under way and ideas for shaping Sleaford and Holdinghams future will carry on regardless. 

Watch out for further ramifications to the development of the Care Centre; ideas for offsetting Network Rails desire to close both level crossings (Southgate and King Edward Street).

Even more look out for suggestions on the rate of change required to implement the Sleaford Masterplan. Housing numbers seem to keep escalating and talk of putting a railway Station near Homebase  has been mooted in the local news.

One key requirement will be to ensure traffic flows into Schools, shops and work are not restricted by bad planning and not coming to terms with likely traffic flows. That is where we went wrong in the first place: trying to put our head in the sand about the number of vehicles on our roads. Essentially if Sleaford is to fill the places at its Academies then access to them will be vital.

Links to the A15 maybe!! Watch for that rumpus. The A17 is getting overloaded and only major investment will sort thaat out in the long run.

Friday 18 January 2013

Weather Woes! Holdingham

It has been bitty (the snow that is) but slowly getting a " head of steam" up.

Here is the snow scene in my back garden on 18th January as a major area of snow reaches us from the South.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Some recent Police Mesages relating to Sleaford.

Sleaford Community Policing
We are requesting any information on the following incidents that occurred in the Sleaford area over the weekend.

The shed in the rear garden of a property on North Parade, Sleaford was broken into overnight 11th-12th January 2013. Nothing was stolen. Incident 134 12/01/2013 refers.

The New Life Centre on Mareham Lane, Sleaford was broken into overnight on 11th-12th January 2013. A quantity of cash and two Dell laptops were stolen. Incident 96 12/01/2013 refers.

A property on Charles Street, Sleaford was broken into between 5th - 11th January 2013 whilst the occupant was away. A purse and cash was stolen. Incident 398 11/01/2013 refers.

The pet shop situated in Bristol Arcade, Sleaford was broken into overnight 13th-14th January 2013. Nothing was stolen. Incident 43 14/01/2013 refers.

If you have any information on any of the above incidents or saw anyone acting suspiciously in these areas, please contact Lincolnshire Police on the non emergency number 101, quoting the relevant incident numbers. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Monday 14 January 2013

Holdingham Care Home

The amended application for the Care Home (was Care Home and Dementia centre) is coming up again at this weeks' Town Council Application! Wednesday!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Eating Food in Sleaford Holdingham

I picked up this report from Yahoo. It is to the effect that half of the food we buy is wasted!

There are many reasons apparently (buy 2 get one free etc) but the biggest manifestation of this is in our Waste Bins and that which is discarded in Becks and on the Play Areas and Hedgerows and the rest.

My own take is that often the portions we buy ARE TOO LARGE, it might be better if Takeaways cut the size, and price, of the portions they sell. The photo above is taken from Galley Hill Bridge.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

ASB: Illegegal and Dangerous usage of Quad Bikes et al!!

I got this message ftom the Police Alert.

Litter and Dog Mess: good and bad!!

It is getting to that time of year again: when all the grass and growth has given way to slush and bare soils. I say bare soil: if you can see it sometimes through the litter that accumulates.

There is a dog warden  report out this week, from the days we had a dog warden, at the Town Council meeting. This mentions the fines that were imposed at the time. The worst places again this year, as far as I can see, for litter, are the sidings alongside the Galley Hill Bridge. A disgrace really - Bottles, Cans and half-eaten Talkaways are thrown down there!

I will take some photos and get back. Then I will ask Environmental Health if they can do something about it!!

The dog mess - not that bad I am told but Yuk where it is allowed to be left on footpaths.