Monday 25 March 2013

What will Holdingham get out of the County Elections?

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Update: Nice to see letters/comments in the local news about the 230 homes etc. The other issue is "what happens when/if it extends to Pride Parkway and East Road?).

With the County Council elections coming up - one thing is certain for Holdingham - we will be getting a new County Councillor!

Now for a start we do not have a proper Community Centre: both physically as a building but maybe even a centre to our community!

This at a time when we are expanding (at least the plans have been passed) and it would be nice if someone would talk the talk on this one.  Other things spring to mind including speeding traffic and easy (not) of getting across the road to the shops and stores! Also our infrastructure is creaking and drainage etc is struggling in some parts, and may do even more, as the area expands!

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