Thursday 30 May 2013

ASB News in Town

Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Evening from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

A Silver Audi A3 has been damaged whilst parked on Tennyson Avenue, Sleaford between 08:30 and 17:00 hours on the 24/5/13.
The extent or type of damage is not yet known.

Incident 141 29/5/13 refers.

Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

 Incident 401 26/5/13 refers to a report of a group of youths driving around Homebase Car park on Mopeds being very noisy and causing a disturbance to Local Residents.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Portas shopping design: for Holdingham and Sleaford?

I have been watching Channel 4 programme the other night about Towns talking to Mary Portas  with a view to replenishing their High Streets. The same ideology could also apply to some parts of Sleaford and maybe even Holdingham!

But we can’t all be TV stars and get communities participating like some!

 Comment and reaction was given widely in the media and here is one from the Telegraph: Mary Portas on Channel 4 TV.  Whilst I was watching out of curiosity it was also because there appears to be a diversion of interest within Sleaford.
Some are transfixed by her – others are openly hostile.  The fact that she is a TV personality certainly gets Communities backing schemes they would otherwise reject:  and of course we always love the publicity “don’t we?” and the last thing we want is to be seen as NIMBY’s and being anti-democratic on TV.
It is interesting to watch this philosophy being put across. it makes a change from the pessimists who say we cannot stop the advance of the Superstores or from the Internet.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Residents Police Neighbourhood Problems

The information below is as a result of recent complaints at a residents panel.  It also applies elsewhere including Holdingham.

Pease do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

The current priorities set at the Local Community Panel Meeting for Sleaford Town are as follows:

Fence damages- Clinton Drive, Sleaford. Occurring between 0200-0400 Saturday mornings. 

Vehicles causing obstruction to the Electric Station Road/Castle Causeway Junction. Vehicles parking on junction and causing an obstruction to junction. Occurring Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 

Speeding vehicles, Castle Causeway. After 1700 hours vehicles traveling from King Edward Street towards Castle Causeway. 

The next Local Community Panel Meeting will be on the 8th July at 06:30 hours at the Solo Club, Market Place, Sleaford.

If you have any questions please contact a member of the Sleaford NPT.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

Friday 17 May 2013

Any good Samaritans in Holdingham?

I picked this up from the Neighbourhood Watch team. This is a National request but this area is as good as anywhere for helping others! Yes certainly we have many people in Holdingham (and Sleaford and Lincs) who will always help someone in trouble. Here is the message!

Message sent by
Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

"Has an anonymous Good Samaritan rescued you by making a split second decision that has made the difference between life and death?
Or have you been the passerby who has stepped in to help a stranger in an emergency?
In an inspirational new series, The Garden Productions would like to tell the amazing stories of people who have either been helped by a stranger, or people who have helped a stranger in an emergency as they are keen to highlight the extraordinary bravery and kindness of individuals who have become someone’s anonymous hero in an unexpected circumstance. 
If you would welcome the opportunity to tell your story or want any more information about the series, please contact The Garden Productions on:
Call: 0207 620 6732
The closing date is 1st July 2013.
Please note: The Garden Productions have experience in making sensitive documentaries where it is incredibly important to have a high regard for the care of those taking part. They were founded by the team who made the BAFTA award-winning Channel 4 series 'One Born Every Minute', and more recently made the RTS award-winning series '24 Hours in A&E.' They also made the BBC2 series 'Inside Claridge's' and the highly acclaimed 'Keeping Britain Alive: The NHS in a Day', which is currently being broadcast on BBC2.
If you no longer wish to receive this type of message, login to your account, go to 'Message settings' and then 'Message types' and un-tick the box 'Participation Invites'."

Wednesday 8 May 2013

County Election Results: May 2nd 2013 for Sleaford Area

The election results were interesting especially as the Sleaford West and Leasingham had a by-election only 18 months ago. Some shifts in public opinion seem to have emerged. 

Not a very high turn out so no complaints please if we didn't  get what we wanted: as everyone had the chance (I hope) to vote. 

Sleaford West and Leasingham 

Andrew Hague: (Cons) 715
Jim Clerk (Lab) 636
Peter Martin Sinek (UKIP) 481
Fay Carol Cooper (Lincolnshire Independent) 433

The previous result, is at:

For the Sleaford Result:

Mark Allan (Lincolnshire Independent) 515
Garry Titmus (Cons) 410
Michael Dilks (UKIP) 364
Sally Bentall (Lab) 329
Ken Fernandes (Ind)  231


Well done to all the candidates!