Sunday 19 May 2013

Residents Police Neighbourhood Problems

The information below is as a result of recent complaints at a residents panel.  It also applies elsewhere including Holdingham.

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Message sent by
Amy Michie (Support, PCSO NC37 Sleaford Town, Sleaford Station)

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

The current priorities set at the Local Community Panel Meeting for Sleaford Town are as follows:

Fence damages- Clinton Drive, Sleaford. Occurring between 0200-0400 Saturday mornings. 

Vehicles causing obstruction to the Electric Station Road/Castle Causeway Junction. Vehicles parking on junction and causing an obstruction to junction. Occurring Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 

Speeding vehicles, Castle Causeway. After 1700 hours vehicles traveling from King Edward Street towards Castle Causeway. 

The next Local Community Panel Meeting will be on the 8th July at 06:30 hours at the Solo Club, Market Place, Sleaford.

If you have any questions please contact a member of the Sleaford NPT.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.

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