Wednesday 31 July 2013

Rec Road: is this the big decision day?

Update: The aftermath of  todays Planning Committee is the decision to go ahead in principle with Compulsory Purchase. I have a few concerns about what has been going on in the last year. Meetings have been taking place! News reports also show some facts and interpretation that may be slightly simplified. Who has been talking to whom?

 By the way: according to the Albourne site: they still hold a vital section of land. Is this still the case?

 There is a Full Planning meeting at NKDC on 1st August. The issue here is about the use of the Boston Road Rec as part of a new road scheme. Side issues are the associated closure of the Station Gate and rerouting of traffic. Lots of press coverage, letters and commnent for and against, plus Sleaford Councillors who are on both Town and District Councils not being allowed in to the meeting. So another head of steam is building up. 

A firm decision and course of action is needed, one way or another, as the Town cannot progress with this level of uncertainty!

The big questions are:  What about the Covenant on the Rec Land? and will the Fields in Trust FIT certification assist in keeping the Rec in one piece or will it be a hindrance. The FIT agreement means that, if Compulsory Purchase is enetered into, then it appearrs they will have their say and influence! Oh, and by the way - the land betweeen Mareham Lane and Boston Road has more than one owner! Albourne are in there somewhere!

That is how I read the deal!

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