Sunday 29 September 2013

Rec Road and Holdingham

Facebook is now fairly well saturated with groups and views on the sale of part of the Boston Road Recreation Ground. Also the closure of the Station Crossing (see photo). All to  accommdate a road link from Mareham Lane to Boston Road and to take quite a number of trees, and a fair bit of land,  in doing so. The construction of that road, if it goes ahead, will be messy and noisy. It will have impacts on Holdingham as the present traffic flows will change.

I went to see the markings the other day: that part where the road will cross, and the periphery part which will be part of the purchase of the land (Compulory or otherwise).

I won't go over the arguments: I have added my comments on Facebook, and referred to the meeting some Town Councillors had with the local MP in January 2012.  I was one of them and I have kept the notes of that meeting. Our concerns went all the way to the Secretary of State Justine Greening.

The thing that disappoints all the time is the constant referral by Government to Localism and Communities making choices: in reality it is still the patronising  top-down approach.

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