Thursday 27 February 2014

Poultry Farm Proposals North of A17 Holdingham

Update: Town Council still reject proposed site.

This proposal has come up for discussion at next Wednesdays Application meeting of the Town Council.

The full details of the plan are at

When accessing the site click to say you have read the notice and accept copyright restrictions. Them the number of the appliction is:   14/0078/FUL

Is it compliant with the Sleaford Plan?

14/0078/FUL – Land off East of Lincoln Road (A15) and North of A17
 Holdingham. Erection of 16 no. poultry units (590,400 bird capacity) 22 no.
 fee silos, 3 no. water storage tanks, a general purpose building & 2 no.
 electricity substations, drainage lagoon, landscaped bund & improvements
 to existing access track including upgrade of Lincoln Road (A15) junction.
 FKB Ltd.

Monday 24 February 2014

Hold on to your bank details

Courier Fraud Scam
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Sharon Horne (Police & NHWN, NHW Administrator, Lincolnshire)

Message from Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, Community Safety Department, Monday, 25th February 2014. 

Police are warning Lincolnshire residents after two incidents occurred in the county where residents have been victims of a 'Courier Fraud' scam.

On both occasions residents have been contacted on their land line and informed that their bank cards have been used fraudulently.  They are then advised to end the call and contact their bank.   The offenders are keeping the line open so that when the victim believes they are contacting their bank, they are actually put through to someone else involved in the scam.  Victims are then asked to provide their address and PIN numbers and a courier is sent to the address. The victim hands over their bank card and money is immediately withdrawn from their accounts.

Contact Lincolnshire Police Tel 101 (non emergency number) to report any similar incident.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Canvassers Alert

Royal British Legion Canvassers Alert
This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police

(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Gill Finn (Police & NHWN, Community Safety Officer, Police Headquarters )

Royal British Legion Canvassers Alert 

We are receiving reports that canvassers are in your area collecting donations on behalf of the Royal British Legion.

Some residents have reported that the canvassers have been rude and aggressive in their nature and Lincolnshire Police would be obliged if any residents that have had dealings on the doorstep could contact us to report details.

We have not at this stage verified that the canvassers are in fact working on behalf on the Royal British Legion and caution should be taken when giving donations or signing any paperwork.

Remember that if any person knocks on your door and refuses to leave when asked to do so, is committing an offence and you should ring Tel:101 or 999 if you feel threatened.

Not sure – don’t open the door.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Local Crime Map Holdingham

I get local crime figures from Neighbourhood Watch. Most today are outside Holdingham. However this link shows a map of where crime is being reported in Holdingham and surrounds!

Monday 3 February 2014

Local Crime Reports Near Holdingham

These Crime Reports  arrived a short while ago. Contact 101 if you have information of use.

Good Afternoon from the Sleaford Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Incident 117 02/02/14 refers to the theft of a generator, a saw and a grinder from a compound on East Road Industrial Estate, Sleaford.The theft occurred between 12:00 hours on the 31/01/14 and 08:30 hours on the 02/02/14.
Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Incident 198 2/2/14 refers to the theft of diesel from three lorries parked on Woodbridge Road, Sleaford. This occurred between 13:00 hours on the 01/02/14 and 12:00 hours on the 02/02/14.
Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.

Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.
Please report any information to Lincolnshire Police on 101.
Thank you from PCSO Amy Michie.