Thursday 27 February 2014

Poultry Farm Proposals North of A17 Holdingham

Update: Town Council still reject proposed site.

This proposal has come up for discussion at next Wednesdays Application meeting of the Town Council.

The full details of the plan are at

When accessing the site click to say you have read the notice and accept copyright restrictions. Them the number of the appliction is:   14/0078/FUL

Is it compliant with the Sleaford Plan?

14/0078/FUL – Land off East of Lincoln Road (A15) and North of A17
 Holdingham. Erection of 16 no. poultry units (590,400 bird capacity) 22 no.
 fee silos, 3 no. water storage tanks, a general purpose building & 2 no.
 electricity substations, drainage lagoon, landscaped bund & improvements
 to existing access track including upgrade of Lincoln Road (A15) junction.
 FKB Ltd.

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