Friday 29 August 2014

Biodiversity 2020? How it might affect Holdingham!

I took this photograph yesterday of the New Wood against where the anaerobic Digestor Plant is/was proposed to be sited. Objections were raised about the impact on the Wood.

The reason being that plants, wildlife and the like, and impact on them, from proposed development are  a Duty of Councils to debate and consider, and minute that it has, at the preliminary planning consultation stage. This is in line with the Biodiversity mantra from Government and in particular (as far as I can tell) the Prime Minister. Maybe it is to alleviate "Green" concerns when plans are put forward.

The Biodiversity link is at Gov.UK. Type in Biodiversity 2020 if necessary. Whether or not it has been done (the Duty that is) in the manner required is unclear.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Road Works near McDonalds

This has appeared in todays Sleaford Standard. At least motorists may find other routes into the south side of Town.

Monday 25 August 2014

Biodiversity: are we failing to meet Government Targets?

I use the word targets loosely here but it is coming to the forefront of the political agenda (certainly at local level)  to ensure Communities are protected against loss of Biodiversity. Councils have a Duty to record that such debates have taken place. In other words protecting as much as possible foliage and the wild-life living in it.

The Boston Road Recreation ground is one such major proposed development. The Leasingham / Holdingham Anaerobic Digestion and Chicken Farm is another. At least the issue would be seen to have been discussed and the scale of the problems appreciated. The Environmental Impact Assessments are carried out but whether or not this meets to Duty placed on Councils in the level of detail and the way it is debated is open to question.

Here is what the Government says about it, as a nation.  Biodiversity 2020 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Sleaford Crime Map

I went to meet the Police Commissioner and P.C.S.O's and Lincolnshire Assistant Chief Constable last Thursday outside Sainsbury. An open day and meet residents day! It was useful and I hope the Neighbourhood Watch benefited. 

Here is a link to a broad crime map of Sleaford.

Crime Map

The Lincolnshire Research Observatory  also maps out the crime message.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Changing Face of Holdingham: 1989 onwards

The more things change the more they stay the same!

I couldn't help but notice an article in the Sleaford Standard under Pages from the Past from 1989.

In that article a member of the Sleaford and District Civic Trust branded a decision by N.K, to approve plans for two petrol stations and take-away plus motel, as the last nail in the coffin for the small hamlet. There are now more than one Take-Away including McDonalds. Whether or not the latter was included at the time I am not sure.

So nothing has changed much- pressure from Government - or developers or both - who knows! The photo below was taken as this development was under construction It is now the entrance to McDonalds.

Now we understand that the developer of the Chicken Farm proposal et al, at Holdingham/ Leasingham, is expected to got to appeal. On the basis that the reason was "Visual Impact". As I understood it, from the Chair of the Planning meeting at the time, that form of words was used as it was the only reasons the Planning Department hadn't already approved.

And we cannot be seen to disagree with the Officers of the Authorities involved. Can we?

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Planning and Appeal Procedures

Where does it go from here? 

Update: Both local papers report that the Developers will appeal! Target and Standard!!

I have been asked this question: and can Residents make comments/objections? Well it all depends on the "route" taken.  Here is the Planning Portal guidance from the Eric Pickles department. 

Keep a close eye on how N.K wish to deal with it: will they try and discuss it again with the Applicant (Chicken Farm) or will an appeal go to the Planning Inspector?

Best of all ask an expert!