Friday 29 August 2014

Biodiversity 2020? How it might affect Holdingham!

I took this photograph yesterday of the New Wood against where the anaerobic Digestor Plant is/was proposed to be sited. Objections were raised about the impact on the Wood.

The reason being that plants, wildlife and the like, and impact on them, from proposed development are  a Duty of Councils to debate and consider, and minute that it has, at the preliminary planning consultation stage. This is in line with the Biodiversity mantra from Government and in particular (as far as I can tell) the Prime Minister. Maybe it is to alleviate "Green" concerns when plans are put forward.

The Biodiversity link is at Gov.UK. Type in Biodiversity 2020 if necessary. Whether or not it has been done (the Duty that is) in the manner required is unclear.

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