Friday 14 November 2014

BID and Town Teams and Elections: I need a holiday!

Demise of BID: will it be resurrected? Sleaford and a wider area?

Before I get in too deep here I will only pass comment on what is happening in Sleaford. The local papers especially the Sleaford Standard has been publicising the launch of the Town Team. It appeared on its Front page this week and again of page 5. Its web page had a photo of NKDC Leader Marion Brighton endorsing it at the opening. A video of the launch has been released on Youtube:

Ok, enough of that but the Town Team is mentioned as a Community Interest Company which has certain distinct features. However it will need to make a living so where in the market will it find itself?  At that point it looks like a more privatised version of our Business Improvement District which met its Waterloo in 2012. Maybe politics in here somewhere!

I might get hammered for this but is this where it is heading?

I can't help but feel that the forthcoming election is part of this - positioning wise!

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