Friday 26 December 2014

A snowy evening in Sleaford: for one night only!

A picture to prove it! Plus many more on Facebook. 

It all went slightly pear shaped in Sleaford on Boxing Day (evening). The forecast was rain probably turning to sleet by late evening: but it  suddenly turned to snow around 7.00pm. I hope the authorities were warned as the roads could have been slippery in places. The forecast charts show a return to changeable conditions by New Years day.

The kids were delighted: after wanting to stay put all day they suddenly wanted to go outside to play snowballs and sliding about. Whether or not it will still be there this time tomorrow remains to be seen.

Postnote: the forecast, apart from the amount of snow on low ground on 26th, turned out about right. By New Year's Eve the temperature had reached 6 or 7C and what was left of the snow - had vanished by New Year's day!!! 

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Co-option of a Town Councillor

How vital?  Co-option Process

In May 2015 all Councillors must stand down and those wishing to continue as Councillors (Parish, Town or District) will have to seek re-election. 

Maybe it will give someone a brief introduction to the duties of a Councillor. Whether or not it will have any influence on ongoing issues affecting Sleaford  is open to question.

Postnote: Interestingly CPALC advises as follows: with my annotations  ( The rules state "If a casual vacancy occurs within 6 months of the date a Councillor would normally stand down then an election to fill the vacancy will not be held". Co-options always occur after the process to go to a ward election has not produced any candidates. Hence it probably needs checking (I assume this has been done) to determine if a co-option procedure, at this stage of the Council lifetime, is therefore valid.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Chicken Appeal: Planning Portal Progress

The latest Planning Progress is on the site NKDC and at this website of the Planning Inspector. (Postnote: I have used this link to propose issues that need to be addressed.)

(This photo was taken on 13 December 2014.) 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Chicken Show goes on: a welcome encore depending who you are!!

What price local decision making? 

I wrote on Facebook recently an extract from the original NKDC meeting about the problems of having a Chicken Farm between Leasingham and Sleaford. The article calls it Poultry so forgive me if I am being too precise. 

It said " To my knowledge it will use Chicken Waste (this in respect of the Anaerobic Digestion Plan) ."

 However the papers to Planning, in August mentioned re Poultry Farm, Poultry Farms by their nature require a Countryside location which is not adjacent to existing dwellings. They also require significant land. The Operational Phase covered particulate Emissions which lays down that local Authorities must (statutory duty) assess and review air quality within their district against objectives set by Government. Also on Odours "Intensive poultry units can be a source of odours generated by the decomposition of waste products such as faeces, urine, feathers and bedding materials. "

So, not surprisingly residents are upset that, after Councillors had rejected the application, an appeal is going direct to the Secretary of State.  Appeal to the Secretary of State. 

The other issue if passed - where does this leave local democracy? Is it a matter that, if Planning and Highways and Environmental Health, for one reason or another, do not object  then democratic power is undermined?

 Or is it that THe Inspector will review whether or not the Planners have done a sufficiently robust job?

 The jury is out?