Wednesday 24 December 2014

Co-option of a Town Councillor

How vital?  Co-option Process

In May 2015 all Councillors must stand down and those wishing to continue as Councillors (Parish, Town or District) will have to seek re-election. 

Maybe it will give someone a brief introduction to the duties of a Councillor. Whether or not it will have any influence on ongoing issues affecting Sleaford  is open to question.

Postnote: Interestingly CPALC advises as follows: with my annotations  ( The rules state "If a casual vacancy occurs within 6 months of the date a Councillor would normally stand down then an election to fill the vacancy will not be held". Co-options always occur after the process to go to a ward election has not produced any candidates. Hence it probably needs checking (I assume this has been done) to determine if a co-option procedure, at this stage of the Council lifetime, is therefore valid.

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