Monday 16 February 2015

Does Sleaford need so much Community Space?

Time to rethink!

The aftermath of the pull out of the large Supermarket on the former Avanta Seeds site there is obviously now the question of what we (Sleaford) do next. I still await any cohesive and positive proposals although to be fair one or two Councillors (District and Town) and Council Executivees have made useful suggestions.

Maybe we have to await the outcome of the Spring Elections!

John Pinchbeck has written a useful  article in the Target which challenges the need for so much Community Space. This article can be found here!

Meanwhile NK at a recent forum asked residents to look at potential options including Business Opportunities and the ramifications of them on our future Community Charges! All good sky blue thinking stuff.

But it was a useful start!  I will add some of the proposals to this Blog in a day or two!

Provisional Figures comparing 2014/15 to 2015/16 see basic revenue streams as follows:

                                                          2014/15                                                   2015/16 

Business Rates                                   £3.54M                                                  £4.5M

Council Tax                                       £4.85M                                                 £5.04M                                 

Government  Funding                       £2.96M                                                £2.05M  

So the trend is for revenues from Central Government to fall and revenues (especially from Business Rates) to rise. To my knowledge the amount Local Authorities get from Businesss rates is vatriable and dependent on the type and size of the Busines!

An article in the Local news shows how the funding gap is going: Not too well. LCC have had to dip into the Reserves! See Article!

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