Monday 21 November 2016

Jeremy Corbyn Visits Sleaford as By-Election Looms

Post Note The Richmond Park By-Election just shows how volatile by-elections can be: here is the Guardians take. Richmond is strong;y in favour of staying in Europe whereas Sleaford and North Hykeham are anti. However a similar principle applies. 


 I went down to Boston Road Rec to see what the Leader of the Labour Party had to say! On the stump of a felled Tree he was surrounded mainly by well-wishers. He was in Sleaford to support the Labour Candidate in the forthcoming by-election. It was well attended with lots of Camcorders and other devices (including the local press, radio and TV) to record the event. 

At least, for once, Party Leaders are taking the area seriously although I suspect the London based Politicians need briefing as to where we (Sleaford & Norh Hykeham) actually are located. There are ten candidates and the link can be found on the NKDC web-site. I

How many other candidates will arrange similar events is open to question but this one seemed to work. At least the forecast rain seemed to abate so it was just the cold that didn't help. Facebook and YouTube links have already appeared showing the event. I put one up myself and a photo (see below) but there are much better recordings and I have used one of those for this Blog.. My own shots were at the back with other Camcorders and the like in the way. Here is the recording that I think is best. The photo is one of Jeremy Corbyn arriving somewhat late near 3.00 pm. Click on the Image JC below for the video Camcorder recording.

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