Thursday 13 July 2017

Can the Neighbourhood Plan for Sleaford improve matters?

Are we still going over the same issues? One reason I ask is that Consultants advised the Town, to my understanding, that having an accepted Neighbourhood Plan would entitle the Town to 25% of the revenues generated through the CIL raised. Which developments are we talking about? 

I went to the Public Meeting relating to the Sleaford (and Kirkby La Thorpe) at the Sleaford Town Council (using their downstairs rooms).

Quite a useful meeting and some good speakers from interested Residents. 

To a background noise of Pop Music coming from across the way (from the Hub maybe) I recorded two parts: part 1 was about Health Facilities (or lack of them) and Part 2 was a mix of Transport/communication problems and other issues all relating to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. 

This is the message I have put out on Facebook with links to Youtube.

A public meeting was held last night about the Sleaford Neighbourhood Plan. I took two videos (as yet unedited) and the links are below. The first part about Health and the second part about Planning, Transport and other issues. Sorry about the background music which was coming from a session at the Hub.

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