Thursday 3 August 2017

Reviving our Assets: in Holdingham & Sleaford

Sleaford Town Council has several groups (called Panels) looking after Services and the Assets it has. But the Assets need renewal and looking after. All play areas are annually inspected and defects are addressed. Clearly there is a cost to all this - costs which compete against other Town Priorities. 

Over the last week: and reported back to Council on Wednesday, several Councillors have visited the Cemetery and our 3 largest Open Spaces/Play Areas. The Open Spaces were Woodside; George Street and Boston Road.

Maintaining and renewing fencing is one issue: providing equipment that residents want is another: making them secure and vandal free is another: and accessible is another. Obvious really but it is not necessarily so.

But all the facilities mentioned above have possible shortcomings. Access to the Cemetery at the times of day (including school start and leave times near the Cemetery) can be impaired by Cars parked in the Cemetery.

Secure fencing at our Open Spaces! George Street (for instance): the new Housing development near the Castle Causeway means Children wanting to use the Play Area. So an access point that is not misused by motor-bikers etc.

Woodside has poor access and is potentially open to illegal entry across the property of others.

So investment is needed to meet these shortcomings.

Here are some Photographs.

George Street entrance near the new houses. Needs upgrading and issues to be resolved.

Fencing on the George Street boundary.

At Woodside the ad-hoc entrance from Summerfield Drive is not secure.

Access from Beech Rise (see below)  is a long way from other residential areas in Holdingham and other gates are needed for Children. Entry at the end of Summerfield Drive is misused as it is not an official entry point as it crosses the land of others: the legit entry point is the narrow/muddy path off Summerfield Court.

The Summerfield Drive entrance is used and misused because of lack of fencing in one key part.

 All areas need to be secure from Vandalism and anti- social behaviour 24 hours. That potentially is a costly exercise with apparently rising A.S.B. So there is much to do and much to spend money on.

Our largest area
is of course Boston Road and the largest recent investment is the Skate Park. The phioto is from March 20117 when the new facility was being constructed. It is now ready for its Official Opening.  It needs looking after and protecting from Vandalism. But, and a repeat from above, it costs and there are other needs in the Town.

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