Wednesday 1 November 2017

Holdingham Ward Report: Sleaford Town Council 1st November 2017

Every month or so Councillors are asked to put in Ward Reports of anything happening within their Ward. This was my input on November 1st.

Holdingham Ward Report November 1st 2017

Some increased activity on the Woodside Open Space Play Area.
During visits in the half-tem “Football” Games were being played in the middle of the 4-5 acre field. Youngsters (about 6 to 12) playing impromptu team games.
Increase usage of the play equipment.

A Fun day event (Harvest Fun-day” was organised on Tuesday 24th between 11.00 and 13.00. Posters were displayed and placed on Facebook.

Lincoln Road Play Area/Open Space was also well attended in the generally mild Autumnal day.
Litter: some increase in litter during the half-term and at times in the evening at other times. This includes rubbish being thrown into the Becs on Lincoln Road. The extra bin leading to into Peterborough Way was often full of cartons so use of these bins by the Public is welcome.  Similarly: dog fouling.  The new developments mentioned below, and adjacent roads, appear to have litter problems.

Holdingham Grange: Although it has made news in the local paper after publicity nd comment at our STC Planning meeting the issue of the intersection with the Sustrans/ Connect 2 cycle track has not yet been addressed although work has been completed by BT which meant road signs had to  placed adjacent to Holdingham Mead and Holdingham Lane. Hope fully the next work will be the make this access to Holdingham Grange safe.
Still no temporary signs though to warn pedestrians and vehicles of potential dangers.

Social Services/Family Problems:  As a Ward Councillor I did receive (through the STC link) a letter of concern about a family within Holdingham. I cannot go into detail for obvious reasons but I passed the message on to Heidi Ryder at NKDC. The isssue was: if beyond say the remit of Social Services who's responsibilty is it?  It left me concerned that as a Town Councillor I could not get involved directly. Was this an NK issue to be dealt with or the PCSO’s or what?

Just a note: I am intrigued by these storage  devices at the entrance tio the Woodsise area off Beech-Rise. Any ideas anyone? 

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