Thursday 13 December 2018

Sleaford Holdingham Electors and Elections

The new(ish) holdingham Grange Development (together with Care Home ) will produce additional residents and voters in future elections. 

North Kesteven District Council have an item on their Full Council agenda for 18 December. This will formally add the names of the roads within the development. The Care Home is being suggested as a Polling Station 

One hope is that it will produce contenders for future local elections (Town, District and even County.. Next May (2019) will see elections for 3 Town Councillors and one District Councillor (at the time of going to presss in December 2018).

Here is the link to the NKDC Full Council agenda.

Show House back to Roundabout

Care Home
Whittle Road near Cae Home

Jacobson North

Early Development near Care Home: itis expected to be used as a Polling Station
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Friday 7 December 2018

Overgrown Areas: Whittle Road/Holdingham Lane Sleaford

The unkempt nature of the land near the Bus Shelter down to the land adjacent to Holdingham Lane/Whittle Road is looking messy (which it especially does at this time of year). 

Kate Cook (County Councillor) is making enquiries as to the status of the land for sale and also who is responsible for keeping the grass tidy (outside the development plot).

Here some photographas taken on 6 December 2018.

Looking Down Holdingham Lane

Bus Shelter and out to B1518 (Lincoln Road)

 Building Plot (Bus Shelter to Holdingham Lane)

Holdingham Lane to Mini Roundabout

Wednesday 5 December 2018

New Fencing will help security for residents: Holdingham Woodside

I took these photographs of the new fencing in of the Woodside Open Space as it adjoins Summerfield Drive.

I have spoken with one or two residents and it is appreciated by them. It was an unofficial opening which is not owned by the Council. The other concern expressed was that it could have been used as an entry point for other vehicles,Caravans etc.

It has been a long "road" getting the funding and work done. As other Councillors will testify.
Just in time ahead of a new Council being elected in May 2019.

The lack of fencing has meant walkers and riders accessing at that point although the land is not owned by the Council nor is it deemed as public access. Oh well! Things never change - there are many places with similar problems and misuses of property.

As Mentioned: The Residents I spoke to yesterday (4th December), who live at the end of Summerfield Drive expressed appreciation. Fear of unwelcome access was a major concerrn.

Summerfield Drive Side

View from Wood (on Open Space side)

Monday 5 November 2018

Plans, needs, type: Local Sleaford & Holdingham Housing factors?

The Central Lincolnshire Plan is intended to set of framework for community developments in the next 20/25 years. Well maybe - but where is the proof that it is meeting needs - in the right places? 

The projections below base expectation on a rising Age profile: but how much could be changed with the required economic development? 

And of course in specific towns such as Sleaford.

I looked again at the advice within the Linconhire Research Observatory. Here is the broad outline!


The Importance Of Housing Data And Intelligence

Suitable housing is seen by many as a right, and key to the long term economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Lincolnshire. Housing is a complex topic with the potential to impact on a wide range of planning and policy areas. 
The number of homes needed, where to build, and their suitability to meet the needs of the population are decisions that are all complicated by factors such as changes to population, demography and migration, the quality of our current housing stock, the economy, and climate change. 
People need homes that are decent, affordable, the right size, in the right location, warm, accessible and safe. Planning for such needs is challenging because it’s not only about current and short term needs, but also about future needs in an environment that is changing rapidly.
It is recognised that in order to ensure current housing stock is utilised and developed effectively, and we plan for the future in a sustainable manner, good quality and up-to-date housing data and intelligence is vital.

Latest Population Projections

Change Over 25 Years For Selected Age Groups In Lincolnshire


Saturday 27 October 2018

Sleaford Twinning: is it a Brexit "Antidote"?

I use the term Antidote (usually reserved for chemical/diseases etc) in the contect of Brexit.

I am merely illustrating the potentil effects of having a Twinning organisation that supports relations with like-minded groups in Europe (mainly France; Germany but expanding).

So here are some photographs and a short (very short) video of a gathering at the end of October in the New Life (Mareham Lane)  Churt who were providing the venu for a meal and presentations (and music). Three Councillors from Holdingham attended including the Mayor. 




Guests listening to Mayor

Another view
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So what, if any, are the long-term benefits. Communication, communication, communiction is the answer. Our family links are within the UK and Far-East. It all helps.

Friday 5 October 2018

Developing Holdingham Sleaford local Community Leisure Facilities!

Facebook has articles on it showing the latest apparatus for use by the local Community.

The Sleaford Town Council Facebook and the Sleaford Holdingham Ward are also highlighting it.

The Woodside Open Space has been underused for years but a head of steam appears to be building up.  Maybe helped by a growing population and the realisation that our National Lifestyle is making for an unhealthy society. I hope so! 

Here is the latest Gismo and assocaited play equipment: mainly for Children but the latest for an older population to use (if they wish). (The new fitness and exercise equipment that has been installed at Woodside Play Area. This equipment was chosen by the Town Council's Services and Assets Panel.)

Fitness & Exercise Equipment

From a different Angle

Add Original and still there: but needs upgrading
Obviously not at the same level as the Boston Road Open Space (which is 3 times larger) but still a fair size. Hopefully events and maybe a small football pitch (5 a side) can be installed. The planting of trees has helped give "shape" to the Open Space.

Still Rome wasn't built in a day. There are boundaries issues (fencing) which needs investment for starters. But be sure predators may be lurking somewhere to meet their demands. Say no more!

Friday 14 September 2018

Holdingham Sleaford Woodside Open Space: accessing would be nice!

A major issue for the Town Council (maybe also for North Kesteven) is making use of our open spaces (safely and with residents fully supporting it). 

Beech Rise is one access point.
Google Map Woodside Access
Looking towards Sleaford Wood & Summerfield Drive

From Sleaford Wood across to Almond Walk. 

The other is at the opposite end near Sleaford Wood. Also, I suppose, some residents make use of the entry point at the end of Summerfield Drive (but this means crossing over someone elses property). It was discussed this week at the Town Council Services & Assets Panel. 

There used to be an access point leading off from Dawson Road (and Rudkin Drive) but that was closed because of misuse by bikers (to my recollection). 

The map address is at the point below.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Week-end Activities Woodside Holdingham

I took these photographs of an organised event for residents on 18 August (2018). The weather was fine and warm. Obviously with kids I was restricted but I hope it gives a flavour of how it was an enjoyable afternoon (4.00 pm to 6.0pm).  

Activity Tent

Next to this was the Bouncy castle (not shown)

Swings & Roundabouts

Football on the 5 a side area

Nice to see this open space being used for families.

Monday 30 July 2018

Holdingham housing developments: a community as part of Sleaford?

I have put in a Ward Report to the Sleaford Town Council (STC)! The subject is about the developments in and around Holdingham Grange.


  A video is at this Youtube address: it isa Town Council debate on the development of Holdingham Grange and the improvements that have been made and outstanding improvements that are needed. . The aim of the report is to draw STC's attention to issues that will help provide a cohesive community. Many of the issues are outside the direct control of the Town Councl. However the report is attached below. New Care home first residents.

Date 29 July 2018-07-28

 Holdingham Grange: Associated Issues Update
The work done at the entrance to the Holdingham Grange Estate appears to be complete (at least as far as the Builders (Persimmon)) are concerned. Houses are still being built within Phase 1 of this development and work continues to develop the Care Home (developed by Glenholme). Integration with the rest of Holdingham (and Sleaford) will need addressing.

1.      Overview
There are still issues to be resolved as to who is responsible for what! The key focal points are:
Cycle Track and signage (dismount signs are to be seen on one side of the road but not (yet) as cyclists approach from the Farm Bridge. Note Cycling and adequately managed Cycle Lanes have and still are a vital aim of development around Sleaford. 
Litter:  Extensive litter can be seen on the grass verges near the mini-Roundabout (as yet uncut). Who is responsible for this and also the junctions with Holdingham Lane and Lincoln Road? What is the roll-out plan for litter picking as phase 1 (and eventually phase 2) are completed? Will support still be provided by the “Fast Food”outlets.
Buses: The original idea was for bus services to serve Holdingham Grange. Do we (STC) have knowledge of any roll-out plan and what input if any STC will have as Consultees?
Road Safety Many residents use Hockmeyers (including Spar Shop) and McDonalds (also others including Kentucky Fried Chicken). The Lincoln Road is increasingly congested:  adequate signage and crossing access is important to avoid accidents. Crossing points are difficult for pedestrians.
Policing, Care and other Community Facilities:  As above, there are issues here outside the direct control of the Town Council (and in many cases the District Council).  However STC will need to be involved in the provision of services.

2.       Conclusions
This brief report is to bring Councils attention to changes within Holdingham which will put increasing pressure on resources. It may need to be incorporated into a Neighbourhood Plan in order to attract the necessary resources.  Note: the Sleaford Town Council is still committed to developing a Neighbourhood Plan (STC 2015/16 refers). Support from Local Businesses will be needed.

Photos are attached to indicate some key locations mentioned in this report.

3.       Recommendations.
That STC note the issues raised above and reaffirm its desire to input to a comprehensive Plan of action in keeping with its policy of developing an appropriate Neighbourhood Plan (or Community Plan) that is contained within the Central Lincolnshire/ Local Plan.

Mini-Roundabout near Hockmeyers  and McDonalds leading to main Roundabout


Cycle Track from Farm Bridge (lack of warning sign)

To Whittle Road: Holdingham Grange & Care Home
Holdingham Grange (potential Bus Route)