Saturday 27 October 2018

Sleaford Twinning: is it a Brexit "Antidote"?

I use the term Antidote (usually reserved for chemical/diseases etc) in the contect of Brexit.

I am merely illustrating the potentil effects of having a Twinning organisation that supports relations with like-minded groups in Europe (mainly France; Germany but expanding).

So here are some photographs and a short (very short) video of a gathering at the end of October in the New Life (Mareham Lane)  Churt who were providing the venu for a meal and presentations (and music). Three Councillors from Holdingham attended including the Mayor. 




Guests listening to Mayor

Another view
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So what, if any, are the long-term benefits. Communication, communication, communiction is the answer. Our family links are within the UK and Far-East. It all helps.

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