Friday 20 April 2018

Sleaford: How Long Before this is complete: and in the way described?

This article has appeared in the Sleaford Standard relating to a presentation next Thursday at NKDC. 

Will it affect Holdingham? You bet it will!

Tesco Development proposals for the Advanta Seeds site.  It will have implications for Sleaford generally and no doubt Traffic Flows within Town and even out to the Holdingham Roundabout.

The access through the Bowls Club and cutting across to the corner of the Boston Road Open Space has already been agreed. What will have to be sorted out (if not already done) is the content of the development (it is a Brown Field site)  and if there is any contamination of the Advanta Seeds Land. That will be a matter for the Planning Authority and maybe the Planning Inspectorate.

We will see!

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